Chernobylite Companions Skills Guide

In Chernobylite, you can upgrade your character’s skills by earning Skill Points and spending them on perks. Each of the game’s companions teaches different perks that can help you improve Igor’s abilities. To help you keep track of which companions offer which skills, we’ve put together a complete guide. Check out the full list of Chernobylite companion skills below.
Olivier Training
- Stunning: Takedowns are quieter and won’t negatively affect Igor’s psyche.
- Precision: +25% Revolver damage.
- Perfect Precision: +50% Revolver damage.
- Stealth: Move, run, and jump more quietly.
- Perfect Stealth: Move, run, and jump much more quietly.
Sashko Training
- Reflex: Increases health by 3 points.
- Parkour: Run faster and land more safely from higher distances.
- Perfect Parkour: Run much faster and land safely from any height.
- Patience: +25% Shotgun damage.
- Perfect Patience: +50% Shotgun damage.
Olga Training
- Discipline: Increases health by 3 points.
- Organization: +6 inventory slots.
- Perfect Organization: +6 more inventory slots.
- Control: +25% Assault Rifle damage.
- Perfect Control: +50% Assault Rifle damage.
Tarakan Training
- Camouflage: Enemies take longer to notice Igor.
- Saving: Everything built and crafted in the refuge is 10% cheaper.
- Perfect Saving: Everything built and crafted in the refuge is 20% cheaper.
- Software Upgrade: Environmental Analyzer highlights enemies.
- Advanced Software Upgrade: Environmental Analyzer scans more frequently.
Mikhail Training
- Capacity: +12 inventory slots.
- Gathering: +15% to the amount of resources gathered.
- Perfect Gathering: +30% to the amount of resources gathered.
- Survival Instinct: Plants and Mushrooms gathered give a 10% chance of finding food.
- Perfect Survival Instinct: Plants and Mushrooms gathered give a 20% chance of finding food.
How to Unlock Skills in Chernobylite
To train with the companions and unlock their skills, you first need to recruit them into your team by completing their questlines. Once recruited, you can speak to them after missions to train. Training costs Skill Points, which you earn by leveling up your XP bar. This can be done through completing missions, gathering resources, and building things.
You’re free to spend your points across different characters to tailor your build to your playstyle. For example, if you don’t often use shotguns, you can skip the perks related to shotguns and focus on other skills instead.
If you’re looking to expand your arsenal and recruit more allies, be sure to check out our guides on how to get a shotgun, acquire the assault rifle, and free companions from jail. These will help you gear up and strengthen your team for the challenges ahead in Chernobylite.
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