Blasphemous 2 Special Figure Resonances Pairings

Image showing figures combined to make special Resonances in Blasphemous 2.

In Blasphemous 2 there are figures that players can equip in the Altarpiece of Favours. These figures give boosts to the Penitent One’s stats. To further increase the usefulness of these figures players can pair them together to create special resonances that give additionally boosts. To learn all of the Blasphemous 2 Figure Resonances Pairings, see our guide below.

How to Make Special Figure Resonances in Blasphemous 2

To make special figure Resonances in Blasphemous 2 you need to pair together two figures that compliment each other. When you do this successfully a gold symbol will appear over their heads and a glowing orb will link them together in the Altarpiece of Favours menu. When a Resonance is formed you can learn more about it by navigating to the Resonance tab. The table below features all of the Resonance combinations in the game.

Figure 1Figure 2Resonance NameEffect
The Anointed OneThe Purified OneDeflagrationBoosts some of Veredicto’s hits, creating bursts of Fire when activated
The Anointed OneThe AlchemistVenomous ResinReplaces Verdicto’s embers with toxic incense, causing its blows to create clouds of Miasma
The Anointed OneThe ConfessorPurging BronzeInflames Veredicto with dark fire born of Guilt itself. Increase damage depending on accumulated Guilt
The ThuriferThe Selfless FatherBurning FaithReduces Fervour consumption to zero by keeping Veredicto in an Active state
The Ecstatic NoviceViridianaSlaughterExecuting an enemy halts the passage of time for a few seconds
The Ecstatic NoviceNacimientoAlchemical TimeDrinking a Bile Flask halts the passage of time for a few seconds
The ScribeNacimientoLiquid FaithDrinking a Bile Flask regenerates a good amount of Fervour
The Veteran OneThe TempestStormrageSarmiento & Cantella’s strikes can create chain lighting bolts that damage nearby enemies
The Veteran OneThe GuideSpellbladeVerdadera Destreza charges Sarmiento & Centella’s blades with currents of Mystical damage. In addition, Sacred Lunge casts a shadow that strikes after a short moment
The Veteran OneThe ConfessorPurging SilverA dark storm born of Guilt itself sweeps across the silver. Increases the damage of Sarmiento & Centella’s lightning bolts depending on the amount of Guilt accumulated
The PilgrimNacimientoSecond WindDrinking a Bile Flask regenerates all Verdadera Destreza markers
The PillagerThe TempestStorm StepsDodging creates lightning bolts, which damage nearby enemies
The PillagerThe AlchemistBriar and ThornWhen dodging, a barrier of thorns is invoked, damaging and piercing through enemies
The PartisanThe Demented OneEndless WrathKilling an enemy during Blood Pact renews its duration
The PartisanThe AlchemistContagionBlocking an attack creates a whirlpool of Miasma that damages nearby enemies
The Punished OneThe GuideRosary of TormentReaper Rosary launches a cutting wave that causes mystical damage
The Punished OneThe ConfessorPurging SteelA dark force born of one’s own Guilt runs through the Ruego Al Alba. Increases Mystical damage of Blood Pact depending on the Guilt accumulated
The Punished OneThe TempestGalvanic PleadBlood Pact imbues the blade of Ruego Al Alba with lightning
TrifonThe AlchemistThorned RetortCreates a barrier of thorns when struck, inflicting Miasma damage
The Woman of the Stolen FaceThe FlagellantOrison ApocryphaIntones occult versions of certain prayers, which should never again be uttered

The order of the figures does not matter. Placing two of the pairs listed above will result in unlocking their named Resonance. These named Resonances give you powerful bonuses such as additionally attacks or changes to your weapon or Bile Flask.

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