Blasphemous 2 Figure Pairs Explained

The Blasphemous 2 Figure system is very important for players to understand. This system allows you to slot pairs of figures together in the Altarpiece of Favors to improve the Penitent One’s stats. One the surface this system is very simple, but things actually get a bit more complicated if you dig a little bit deeper. To help you learn the system here’s a brief explainer for the different types of Blasphemous 2 Figure pairs.
Figure Pairs with No Resonances
The first type of pair you will come across consists of Figures that slot together but do not provide any type of pair bonus, referred to as “Resonance.” These types of duos occur when you mix figures of different groups together or use figures that have no synergy with each other. Using pairs that don’t match means you only get the stat benefit from the Figures and that’s it. Pairs that don’t match look like the screenshot shown above. Using these pairs does not yield any Resonance bonuses.
Figure Pairs with Favour Resonances
Figures that slot together and provide Favour bonuses constitute the second type of pairing. These pairings occur when you slot two Figures of the same type together. When you do this successfully, you will see a type symbol appear that links the duo together. While the duos pairing is active you gain a Favour Resonance Bonus. There are 4 Favour bonuses you can activate using this method:
- Gregal’s Favour – Increase Veredicto’s strength.
- Lebeche’s Favour – Increases Sarmiento & Centella’s strength.
- Jaloque’s Favour – Increases Ruego Al Alba’s strength.
- Cierzo’s Favour – Increases any source of elemental damage.
Equipping any of these Favour duos will improve the strength of the Penitent One. These duos are easy to equip if you are looking for a nice boost to get you over tough sequences.
Figure Pairs with Named Resonances
The final type of pairing is the most interesting and powerful. This type of pairing creates very special Named Resonances that give players additional bonuses when they are active. When figures form synergistic duos, a gold icon materializes above their heads, and a glowing orb establishes a link between the two. There are 20+ duos that trigger interesting things. Check out our Named Resonances Pair guide for details on making those.
Creating these special pairings will drastically improve the strength of your Penatent One. You can create wild combinations here to enhance the effectiveness of your weapons, Prayers, and even your Bile Flasks.
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