Blasphemous 2 Achievements & Trophies List

Blasphemous 2 combat screenshot.

The follow up sequel to Blasphemous is out now in the form of Blasphemous 2. This sequel brings players new gameplay mechanics, new bosses, and new locations to explore. Alongside those new additions comes a new achievements and trophies to unlock. To learn all about these see the full Blasphemous 2 Achievements & Trophies list below.

What are the Achievements & Trophies in Blasphemous 2?

In Blasphemous 2 there are 46 total achievements/trophies for players to unlock. These achievements/trophies are split into two types: normal and secret. There are a total of 32 normal achievements/trophies and 14 secret achievements/trophies in the game.

One thing to note about the secret achievement/trophy is that they are intentionally hidden from players. If you look for them in the achievement/trophy list they will not appear. This means you will need to figure out how to unlock them for yourself (or look at the complete list below). Do not continue reading if you want to find the secret ones for yourself.

Blasphemous 2 Normal Achievements & Trophies

Trophy/Achievement NameDescription
The Penitent TwoUnlock all the Achievements.
Canvas of Light and TimeUnlock Ending A
Second Psalm.Unlock Ending B.
Acta, Non VerbaFind all of the Prayers.
Full DevotionFind all of the Rosary Beads.
Weight of PenanceFind all of the Figures.
Second PilgrimageReveal the whole map.
Acquired TasteUnlock all Bile Flasks.
SoledadUnlock all of the Rosary Bead slots.
Still Among UsFind all of the hidden symbols.
No Cherub Left BehindFree Próximo’s brothers.
Empty HandedPurchase all available items in the shop in the City of the Blessed Name.
Hide and SeekFind all the hidden Cobijadas.
The Work of a MasterBring every Remembrance to an artisan and turn them into Figures.
House of Grief and HatredComplete all the battle challenges.
A Leap of FaithLift the Curse of the Unforgiven.
Twisted is the Path of the MiracleHear the echoes of the past.
The Punished OneKill 300 enemies using Ruego Al Alba.
The Veteran OneKill 300 enemies using Sarmiento and Centella.
The Anointed OneKill 300 enemies using Veredicto.
The Merciless OneExecute 50 different enemies.
Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition!Kill every type of enemy.
A Sharp RendezvousReach the room of the Sentinel of the Emery in under 3 hours.
Flawless PenanceAfter the first fight, defeat any boss without receiving damage.
Blessed IncenseUnlock the true power of Veredicto.
Storm of DeathUnlock the true power of Sarmiento y Centella.
Edge of OrisonUnlock the true power of Ruego Al Alba.
Warrior of the Silent SorrowUnlock all Weapon Memories.
Welcome BackFall into spikes and survive.
The Finest CraftmanshipUnlock all slots in the Altarpiece of Favours.
This is BlasphemyDeal more than 250 damage with a single strike.
MartyrdomComplete 100% of the game.

Blasphemous 2 Secret Achievements & Trophies

Thousand Years LaterDefeat the Faceless One, Chisel of Oblivion.
Blood and DustDefeat the Great Preceptor Radamés.
Blood and GoldDefeat Orospina of the Confraternity of Embroiderers.
Blood and IronDefeat Lesmes of the Confraternity of Incorruptible Flesh.
The Sharpest Tool in the ShedDefeat the Sentinel of the Emery.
The Last AscensionDefeat Benedicta of the Confraternity of Endless Orison.
The Sea Dies on the ShoreDefeat Odón of the Confraternity of Salt.
Forged in FireDefeat Sínodo, Hymn of the Thousand Voices.
Fermosa FembraDefeat Svsona, Fermosa Fembra.
The Wait is OverDefeat Eviterno, Father of the Penitents.
A Heart of GoldDefeat the Devotion Incarnate, the last child of the Miracle.
Ultima RatioUnlock all Abilities.
Happy New Year!Toll a bell 12 times.
Two Old Ones Eating SoupReunite Cástula with Trifón.

The hardest achievements of the bunch has to be Canvas of Light and Time and the Still Among Us. Both of these require deep exploration of the map that players typically wouldn’t do during a normal playthrough. Completing everything listed above takes about 35-40 hours.

Thoughts on the Blasphemous 2 Achievements & Trophies List? Let me hear them in the comments below.



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