Low Rank Armor List – Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter: World is all about two things: killing monsters and looking ballin’ while doing it. When you embark on a Quest or Expedition, you want to be looking your best, and thankfully there are plenty of armor sets available to let you do just that. To help you keep track of the many armor sets available in Monster Hunter World, I’ve put together this armor list featuring all human sets (Palico sets can be found here).
Layout wise, I’ve dedicated a page to each rarity (Rarity 1 = page 1, Rarity 2 = page 2, etc.). Select the links below to jump to that Rarity page:
Rarity 1 (below)
Origin Set (Rarity 1)
Armor Requirements:
- Game preorder bonus
Leather Set (Rarity 1)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Gathered unless noted.
- Headgear – 2x Iron Ore
- Mail – 1x Iron Ore
- Gloves – 1x Iron Ore
- Belt – 1x Iron Ore
- Trousers – 1x Iron Ore
Chainmail Set (Rarity 1)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Gathered unless noted.
- Headgear – 2x Iron Ore
- Vest – 1x Iron Ore
- Gloves – 1x Iron Ore
- Belt – 1x Iron Ore
- Trousers – 1x Iron Ore
Hunter’s Set (Rarity 1)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are from Jagras unless noted.
- Headgear – 2x Hide, 2x Scale
- Mail – 2x Hide, 2x Monster Bone S*
- Vambraces – 1x Hide, 1x Scale
- Coil – 1x Hide, 1x Monster Bone S
- Greaves – 1x Hide, 1x Monster Bone S*
Bone Set (Rarity 1)
Armor Requirements:
Human: Materials can be gathered from Bone piles and Kestodons.
- Helm – 2x Monster Bone S, 2x Ancient Bone
- Mail – 1x Monster Bone S, 1x Ancient Bone
- Vambraces -3x Monster Bone S, 2x Kestodon Shell
- Coil – 1x Monster Bone S, 1x Kestodon Shell
- Greaves – 1x Monster Bone S, 1x Ancient Bone
Vespoid Set (Rarity 1)
Armor Requirements:
Human: Materials can be gathered from Mining and Vespoids.
- Helm – 2x Shell, 2x Iron Ore
- Mail – 1x Shell, 1x Malchalite Ore
- Vambraces – 2x Wing, 1x Monster Fluid
- Coil – 1x Shell, 4x Iron Ore
- Greaves – 1x 2x Wing, 1x Monster Fluid
Jagras Set (Rarity 1)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Great Jagras Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Helmet – 2x Hide, 2x Mane, 2x Claw, 1x Ancient Bone*
- Mail – 2x Hide, 1x Claw, 2x Scale, 3x Monster Bone S*
- Vambraces – 2x Scale, 1x Hide, 3x Jargas Hide*
- Coil – 1x Hide, 1x Mane, 2x Scale, 2x Sharp Claw
- Greaves – 1x Scale, 1x Hide, 1x Mane, 2x Scale
Kulu Set (Rarity 1)
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Kulu-Ya-Ku Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Helmet – 2x Scale, 1x Hide, 1x Plume
- Mail – 2x Hide, 1x Plume, 1x Beak, 2x Machalite Ore*
- Vambraces – 2x Scale, 1x Hide, 3x Iron Ore*
- Coil – 2x Hide, 1x Beak, 2x Wingdrake Hide*
- Greaves – 2x Hide, 3x Scale, 2x Wingdrake Hide*
Misc Pieces (Rarity 1)
There are a couple of Rarity 1 pieces which can be forged. These pieces are listed below and are not available for Palicos:
Kestodon Guards
Human: All Materials are Kestodon Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Guards – 6x Shell, 3x Scalp
Gajua Boots
Human: All materials are Gajua Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Boots – 4x Skin, 2x Whisker
This concludes our Rarity 1 portion of the Armor List. To see Rarity 2 armors, continue on to page 2. If more armor becomes available, I will update this list. If anyone wants to send me the male versions of the sets (waifus for life), that would be appreciated.
More: See High Rank Armor Sets