Animal Crossing New Horizons: Three Houses Interior and Exterior Items List

In Animal Crossing New Horizons once you’ve completed the shop for Timmy and Tommy you will receive a new construction project in the form of threes houses you must complete. To complete these houses you need to place them and furnish them with items for the interior and exterior. To help you complete this process use the three houses interior and exterior items list guide below.
Getaway Package Plot 1 Interior and Exterior Items
The first house you will place is called Getaway Package Plot 1. To complete this plot you need to deliver certain interior items to the plot’s box and place any exterior items on the outside of the plot. To complete this house you need to make the following items:
Plot 1 Interior Items
- Apple Chair.
- 10x Apple.
- 4x Wood.
- Juicy-apple TV.
- 10x Apple.
- 2x Iron Nugget.
- Pot.
- 5x Clay.
Plot 1 Exterior Items
- Hay Bed.
- 20x Clump of Weeds.
- Swinging Bench.
- 5x Wood.
- 7x Softwood.
- Barrel.
- 5x Wood.
- 2x Iron Nugget.
Once you have the pieces listed above you can submit the interior items to the box and place the exterior items around the plot. When placing the exterior items be sure to keep them close to the plot so they count.
Getaway Package Plot 2 DIY Interior and Exterior Items
The second house you will place is called Getaway Package Plot 2. To complete this plot you need to deliver certain interior items to the plot’s box and place any exterior items on the outside of the plot. To complete this house you need to make the following items:
Plot 2 Interior Items
- Wooden-block Stereo.
- 1x Wooden-block toy (recipe).
- 5x Softwood.
- 2x Iron nugget.
- Wooden-block Table.
- 1x Wooden-block toy (recipe).
- 8x Softwood.
- Rose Wreath.
- 3x Red roses.
- 3x White roses.
- 3x Yellow roses.
Plot 2 Exterior Items
- Iron Garden Chair.
- 3x Iron nugget.
- Iron Garden Table.
- 5x Iron nugget.
- Birdhouse.
- 2x Wood.
- 5x Softwood.
Once you have the pieces listed above you can submit the interior items to the box and place the exterior items around the plot. When placing the exterior items be sure to keep them close to the plot so they count.
Getaway Package Plot 3 DIY Interior and Exterior Items

The final plot you will place is Getaway Package Plot 3. To complete this plot you need to deliver certain interior items to the plot’s box and place any exterior items on the outside of the plot. To complete this house you need to make the following items:
Plot 3 Interior Items
- Wooden Simple Bed.
- 18x Wood.
- Wooden Chair.
- 6x Wood.
- Classic Pitcher.
- 4x Clay.
Plot 3 Exterior Items
- Log Dining Table.
- 15x Hardwood.
- Log Bench.
- 5x Hardwood.
- Wooden Bucket.
- 3x Wood.
- 1x Iron Nugget.
Once you have the pieces listed above you can submit the interior items to the box and place the exterior items around the plot. When placing the exterior items be sure to keep them close to the plot so they count.
Be sure to check out more of our Animal Crossing New Horizons guides. In them we show you how to upgrade your house’s storage, find Pascal in the sea, and unlock Jolly Redd’s Trawler.
Thoughts on our Animal Crossing New Horizons Three Houses Interior and Exterior Items List? Drop them in The Pit below.
isso é um BUG, para resolver, segure para cima, para o cursor fica passeando pelas duas opçoes, ai vc seleciona Place Item
Hi guys . For the outside interior you have to literally place it outside by the home . That’s all .
As shown here, plot one interior item seems excellent. I have taken quite a significant interest in the plot one items!
Ok so I have the materials needed, but when I try to put them in the interior box it says I have nothing to turn in, I need to progress and I don’t know how to do this.
I am also having this issue, I have a classic pitcher, but it keeps saying I don’t have one to hand in
Did you solve it in the end?
Guys u need to save the game then close the software then open go to to plot one 2 and then 3 and then in three check the interior items and the extrieor then go to tom and he will ask if its finshed and then he will rewerd u
So after I made all of this and got residents, they never seem to use the stuff. Is it theirs? Or can I take it and sell it? I haven’t tried because idk if stealing is a thing on the game or not.
I have to place a cherry lamp but it won’t let me place it … only option is to drop it – because the cherry lamp needs to be placed on a wall. How do I do this?
This list is similar to mine, but not the same. I guess it’s not a universal build.
I though my game had a glitch but I submitted the classic pitcher and not the other items thinking the opposite. If the item has a check mark near it that means you submitted it, if it has a dash it needs to be submitted !
Place the items not drop them
For some reason my 2nd plot wants natural garden table and natural garden chair, i guess i got lucky? no iron nuggets needed!
actually just checked, i still need iron nuggets just less of them
I had this exact same problem and I had to reset my island because I just couldn’t figure it out. I’m at the same part again and I think it’s doing the same thing. not sure how to fix it. maybe a new villager to move in?
I think mine is glitched. I got plots 1 and 2 done without a hitch. With plot 3 it’s not recognizing any classic pitchers I make. It doesn’t even give me the option to select them from my inventory, it just says that I don’t have anything to submit. I’m hoping this resolves itself so I can progress.
Did you ever find a solution? I’m having the exact same problem, classic pitcher and all.
Hey, do you know where I can find the instructions for the Barrel, Rose Wreath & Iron Garden Table?
Question. I got all of the materials added to all three plots. One house says “sold” but the other two do not and everything on both house’s lists are checked off and Tom still says I need to finish the furniture. Do I just need to wait until the other two houses are sold or did I do something wrong?
You probably have to use Nook Miles tickets to visit other mini islands to invite other animals to your town.
Have you found a fix to this? I’m having the same problem
found a fix! I just had to save and restart the game.
Did you ever figure this out? All three of mine have everything that’s required, I got the animation saying they were done, but none of them say sold, and Tom just keeps telling me to work on the plots.
Please someone figure it out lol, I restarted my game and my 3rd home on the getaway package thing is still not saying sold…only the 1st two homes say sold and Tom nook is still waiting so I can’t progress..