Kingdom Come: Deliverance – All Treasure Map Locations & Rewards Guide

A Treasure Map in the inventory.

Treasure hunting in Kingdom Come: Deliverance is an excellent way to acquire valuable gear, weapons, and Groschen. This guide provides the exact locations of all 25 treasure maps and step-by-step instructions on how to find their corresponding treasure chests.

How Treasure Maps Work

Treasure maps function similarly to the Ancient Maps from the From the Ashes DLC, offering hand-drawn hints about hidden chests scattered across the world.

  • How to Get Treasure Maps:
    • Purchase from Vendors – Many maps are sold by herbalists, millers, and innkeepers.
    • Loot from the World – Some are found inside houses, caves, or hidden areas.
    • Wayfarers – Some maps are sold by random travelers encountered while fast traveling.
  • Important Mechanics:
    • You do not need a map to find treasure – chests spawn regardless.
    • Many chests are locked and may require a high Lockpicking skill.
    • Some treasures are buried, requiring a spade to dig them up.

Treasure Map Locations & Chest Rewards

Each entry below details:

  • Where to find the treasure map
  • What items are needed (lockpicks, spades, etc.)
  • Step-by-step directions to the treasure

Treasure Map I – Cave Treasure

  • Map Location: In a barn near the river crossing between the Monastery and Ledetchko (look in the rafters).
  • Required: Lockpick (Hard difficulty)
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Travel northwest from the Monastery into the forest.
    2. Find a small cave near an abandoned camp.
    3. The locked chest is inside the cave.

Treasure Map II – Grave Treasure

  • Map Location: On a bedside table in the Monastery’s upper floor (south gate).
  • Required: Spade
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Exit the Monastery and travel west.
    2. Find a dead tree near a riverbend.
    3. Dig up the grave next to the tree to claim the treasure.

Treasure Map III – Old Cabin

  • Map Vendor: Fresco Master at the Sasau Inn (102 Groschen).
  • Required: Lockpick (Very Hard difficulty)
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Cross the river west of Sasau.
    2. Head southwest up the hill to an old cabin.
    3. The chest is hidden behind the cabin.

Treasure Map IV – Door in the Hillside

  • Map Vendor: Brother Nicodemus (Monastery, 93 Groschen).
  • Required: Lockpick (Very Hard difficulty)
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Follow the river east of Ledetchko.
    2. Look for a door built into a hillside.
    3. Inside is a locked chest with valuable loot.

Treasure Map V – Old Well

  • Map Vendor: Miller Woyzeck (East of Ledetchko, 90 Groschen).
  • Required: None
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Travel southeast of Merhojed.
    2. Find an old well near the riverbank.
    3. The treasure sack is inside the well.

Treasure Map VI – Interesting Site

  • Map Vendor: Wayfarer (Hat & Beard) (Random encounter).
  • Required: Lockpick (Hard difficulty)
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Travel to Ledetchko and take the north path along the river.
    2. Locate an Interesting Site in the woods.
    3. The chest is hidden at the site.

Treasure Map VII – Woodland Garden

  • Map Location: Monastery Library, inside a stack of books (north section).
  • Required: Lockpick (Easy difficulty)
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Travel northwest of Ledetchko.
    2. Find a Woodland Garden with a large tree.
    3. The treasure chest is beneath the tree.

Treasure Map VIII – Interesting Site

  • Map Location: Windmill northwest of Uzhitz (Top Floor).
  • Required: None
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Travel southeast of Ledetchko.
    2. Locate an Interesting Site.
    3. At the base of a large tree, find a sack filled with loot.

Treasure Map IX – Bridge Chest

  • Map Location: Inside a hut northwest of Skalitz (on a table).
  • Required: None (Chest is unlocked)
  • Treasure Location:
    1. Find the stone bridge south of Skalitz.
    2. On the southern end, down a gully, locate the chest.

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Inn in the Glade – Chest (Easy lock) inside shed at northeast corner of complex. (Thanks Kris)

Bring: Shovel

Location: Head south out of Ledetchko and follow the road as it head southwest. Pass the camp and head north down a hill until you find a grave.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XI – Mine” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Votava (Talmberg) – 110.2 Groschen

Location: Along the river bank to the west of Ledetchko you will find a mine. Inside the mine is a sack with items inside. See picture above for exact location.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XII – Old Cabin” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Miller Peshek (Rattay Mill) – 84 Groschen

Bring: Lockpicks

Location: You will find the treasure inside on old cabin in the woods to the southeast of Rattay. Inside the old cabin is a locked chest. Inside the chest is your reward. See pictures above for exact location.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XIII – House” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Herbalist (Neuhof) – 104.5 Groschen

Bring: Lockpick (Chest is Easy)

Location: To the southeast of Neuhof a fair distance, you is an accident along a cliffside. Inside the house here you will find a chest with treasure in it.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XIV – Grave” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Wayfarer without hat (Fast Travelling North from Rattay) – 80 Gorschen

Bring: Spade

Location: Head to Neuhof and make your way southeast to where the river branches into a y. Near this area is a grove of trees and a grave. In the grave is a sack. Inside the sack is your treasure.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XV – Small Alcove” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Found: Inside Tobias Fayfar’s room on top of bookshelf in same building as Sir Radzig (Rattay)

Bring: Spade

Location: To the west of Neuhof is a river. Along this river on the upper banks are some stairs that lead to a small alcove. Inside the alcove is a spot to dig. Dig to reveal a box filled with items.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XVI – Grave” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Herbalist (Samopesh) – 113 Groschen

Bring: Spade

Location: Head directly west of Merhojed until you reach a large river. Cross the river and look to the north shore area for a white birch. Beside the white birch is a grave. Inside the grave are items.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XVII – Grave” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Huntsman Berthold (Rattay) – 93.9 Groschen

Bring: Spade

Location: Along the river to the southwest of Rovna is an old house. Behind the house (outside the fence) is a grave . Inside the grave is a container with items inside.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XVIII – Interesting Site” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Huntsman Nicholas (Talmberg) – 82.5 Gorschen

Bring: Lockpick (Chest is Easy)

Location: Across the lake to the east of the bathhouses in Talmberg you will find an interesting area with a poacher in it. The chest here has your treasure in it.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XIX – Grave” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Wayfarer

Bring: Spade

Location: On the southwest island on the river to the south of the monastery and north of Sasau. Look for a large tree on the island and beside it you will find the grave.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XX – Chest Beneath Tree” tag=”h3″]

Treasure Map XX – Chest

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Charltan the Herbalist (can be found in the Sasau Tavern) for 100 Groschen. Thank you Zach.

Bring: Lockpick (Chest is Easy)

Location: Along the river to the north of Skalitz are a few trees. Beneath one of the trees is a chest. Inside the chest are is your treasure.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XXI – Cave” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Found: Shed to the southwest of Skalitz . Look for a camp area and there is a shed nearby with the treasure map on a barrel (may need to jump onto barrel to grab) inside.

Bring: Lockpick (Chest is Very Hard)

Location: Head to the cave system located to the southwest of Skalitz. Head inside the lower cave and take the first left. Follow this tunnel until you reach a room with a number of ladders going up. Go up the ladders, and continue until you reach a single ladder up and a chest. The chest has your treasure inside.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XXII – Old Shack” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Found: On a shelf along the south wall in the living quarters of the Bailiff in Rattay. This map is incredibly difficult to get as there are multiple locked hard to very hard doors in your way.

Bring: Nothing (sack)

Location: Follow the river to the southwest of Vranik until it runs dry. Head north across the road and into the forest here. You will come across an interesting site here (old shack). Beside the shack is a sack filled with items.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XXIII – Cave” tag=”h3″]

Found: Bauer’s Farm to the east of Talmberg (go here for the Waldensian’s quest). Enter the house from the ladder on the southside to reach the attack. Look along the east side of the attic for a barrel. On the barrel is the map.

Bring: Nothing (Sack)

Location: Head north of Skalitz until you reach an interesting site (close to edge of map). This interesting site is a cave. Go inside and you will find a sack with items inside it.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XXIV – Grave” tag=”h3″]

Clue Map: 

Vendor: Wayfarer – 80 Gorschen

Bring: Spade

Location: Head to Skalitz and make your way slightly to the northeast through the large open field. Along the tree line you will find a grave. This grave has your treasure inside it.


[expand title=”Treasure Map XXV – Grave” tag=”h3″]

Treasure Map XXV – Grave

Clue Map: 

Found: Inside the cellar of the tavern just outside the upper gates of Rattay. Go into the cellar and it is on top of a barrel on the south wall.

Bring:  Spade

Location: Follow the river to the west of Skalitz and then make your way north along the trail. Head up the trail past the cross and make your way into the woods. Here you will find a grave. Dig the grave up to access your treasure.

Collecting treasure from any of these 25 treasure maps is a great way to improve your equipment and also increase your coin purse. Use your new found wealth to purchase lockpicks or even a better horse.


This concludes our guide of all 25 treasure map locations in Kingdom Come: Deliverance. If you spend the time collecting the loot found inside these chests, you will have an advantage both financially as well as with improved equipment. I highly recommend spending the time collecting the various treasures.

More: Ancient Map Locations Guide

This concludes this Treasure Map locations guide. Anything to add? Let me know in The Pit below.


Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

10 responses

  1. Cross says:

    If anyone is looking for a quick reference of near town/fast travel locations to start heading for the maps above here’s something (for use with the guide above) I took a couple minutes to rough out.

    Treasure Map I – Cave (Samopesh)
    Treasure Map II – Grave (Samopesh)
    Treasure Map III – Old Cabin (Samopesh)
    Treasure Map IV – Door in Hillside (Ledetchko)
    Treasure Map V – Old Well (Samopesh/Ledetchko)
    Treasure Map VI – Interesting Site (Ledetchko)
    Treasure Map VII – Woodland Garden (Ledetchko)
    Treasure Map VIII – Interesting Site (Ledetchko)
    Treasure Map IX – Bridge (Skalitz)
    Treasure Map X – Grave (Ledetchko)
    Treasure Map XI – Mine (Ledetchko)
    Treasure Map XII – Old Cabin (Rattay)
    Treasure Map XIII – House (Rattay)
    Treasure Map XIV – Grave (Neuhof)
    Treasure Map XV – Small Alcove (Ledetchko/Neuhof)
    Treasure Map XVI – Grave (Samopesh)
    Treasure Map XVII – Grave (Samopesh)
    Treasure Map XVIII – Interesting Site (Talmberg)
    Treasure Map XIX – Grave (Sasau)
    Treasure Map XX – Chest Beneath Tree (Skalitz)
    Treasure Map XXI – Cave (Skalitz)
    Treasure Map XXII – Old Shack (Vranik)
    Treasure Map XXIII – Cave (Skalitz)
    Treasure Map XXIV – Grave (Skalitz)
    Treasure Map XXV – Grave (Skalitz)

  2. torazoul says:

    Treasure Map VII is in the Monastery Library. Located lying on a book stack in the center of north wall of the room.

  3. zach says:

    I found treasure map xx it is bought from the charlatan in sasau (near the trader stalls in the market) he also trains pickpocket/alchemy. The end Location is just north of skalitz (easy locked chest) if you look at the map there is a small paddock right next to the Skalitz banner naming the town just go from the tree in it to the very next tree above it which will be adjacent to the thickest portion of the river. chest is next to the trunk

  4. Keith says:

    Found Treasure Map 1 – It is at the Miller’s in Budin (little unnamed burb) where the captured Cumin is located. If you go into the Mill, up the stairs, up the ladder and across the rickety planks, there is the map on top of a barrel. You follow it to a burnt house in the woods north and west of Sasau. I have screen shots of most of it…. 🙂

  5. Kris says:

    Treasure map X is behind the Inn in the glade. Left side, small hut in a locked box.

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