A Cruel Destiny – Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Guide

Once you’ve pillaged the village in Rude Awakening you will travel to a new section of Rygjafylke. Here you will meet up with Sigurd to start a new mission called A Cruel Destiny. This mission tasks you with taking the fight to Kjotve. To help you complete this mission use our A Cruel Destiny guide below.
Quest Objectives
- Speak to Sigurd.
- Kill Kjotve the Cruel.
- Unlock the outer gate.
- Unlock the final gate.
- Confront Gorm.
- Speak to Sigurd.
Speak to Sigurd
Once you have control of Eivor head up into Florli until you reach Sigurd who is inside the watchtower. Make your way up the tower and speak to Sigurd inside. This will trigger a cutscene during which you will talk strategy about the upcoming battle. The group settles on having Eivor fight Kjotve in single combat. Before agreeing to fight make sure you have solid equipment and have levelled up a bit. The next section is a boss battle so you will want to be ready to go.
Kill Kjotve the Cruel
After a couple more cutscenes you will face off against Kjotve the Cruel. This boss fight is three phases. In the first phase Kjotve will beat you up causing you to ‘die.’ While you are suppose to be dead Odin will appear and will spur you back to battle. After returning to the battlefield you will faceoff against Kjotve in a duel. Whittle his health down by dodging and attacking until it reaches half-health. At this point Kjotve will grab you and carry you over the edge into the pit below. Defeat Kjotve here to receive the Raven helmet.
Unlock the Outer Gate
Upon defeating Kjotve you will need to raid his fortress. To do this climb the ladder to the right of the gate your soldiers are holding. At the top of the wall fight your way through the enemies until you reach the outer gate below. Use your axe to destroy the lock on the gate then open it. This allows other soldiers to enter the battlefield.
Unlock the Final Gate
Turn around from the gate and follow the path deeper until you reach the inner wall. Take care of the woe-bringer enemy on the bridge then enter the watchtower next to the bridge. Climb to the top then cross over to the wall using the rope. Turn left on the wall and again use your axe to destroy the lock and open the gate. Let your troops in and head towards the temple where Gorm is hiding.
Confront Gorm
The temple can be found at the end of the main path. Fight your way along the path or run past all the enemies until you are inside the temple. In the temple you will encounter Gorm who is in the rafters above you. Gorm runs away and lights the temple on fire. Climb the scaffolding in the temple and exit out the same window Gorm went through to trigger a cutscene of him escaping.
Jump down from the roof of the temple to the ground below. Head over to Sigurd and speak to him. After this conversation you will have completed this main story mission. The next mission to complete is called Birthrights.
For more guides like this one check out our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla guide and walkthrough. This hub has a number of guides for this Ubisoft title.
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