5 Things to Do After Beating Devil May Cry 5

After completing the 20 action-packed levels in Devil May Cry 5, you might be wondering what to do next. Here are 5 things to do after beating Devil May Cry 5 that will keep the action going and challenge your skills even further.
1. Trophy/Achievement Hunting
Devil May Cry 5 has a variety of trophies and achievements that require multiple playthroughs to unlock. These are tied to completing the game on different difficulty levels and with different characters. Here are some of the notable ones:
- Let’s Rock: Complete the game on Human mode.
- Showtime!: Complete the game on Devil Hunter mode.
- Doing Daddy Proud: Complete the game on Son of Sparda mode.
- Dance with the Devil: Complete the game on Dante Must Die mode.
- Stairway to Heaven: Complete the game on Heaven or Hell mode.
- Highway to Hell: Complete the game on Hell and Hell mode.
Additionally, there are trophies/achievements tied to completing missions using all available characters. Some of these challenges can be quite demanding, so be ready to put in some serious effort to unlock them. Good luck!
2. Find and Complete All 12 Secret Missions
DMC5 features 12 Secret Missions hidden throughout the game. To access them, you’ll need to find specific symbols in the environment during your missions. Completing these challenges will reward you with Blue Orb Fragments and an achievement for finishing all of them.
Here are some of the challenges you’ll face:
- Eliminate all of the Demons.
- Don’t Let Any Red Empusa Escape.
- Collect All Red Orbs.
- Eliminate All Demons Without Taking a Hit.
- Stay in the Air for More Than 15 Seconds.
- Get to the Goal Without Touching the Ground.
Want more help? Check out our Secret Mission guide for detailed instructions on finding and completing each mission.
3. Collect All Orbs and Weapons
Throughout your playthrough, you’ll encounter collectible Orbs that increase your health and Devil Trigger gauge. You’ll also unlock various weapons that will enhance Dante’s combat abilities. While most weapons are unlocked through story progression, there’s one that’s easy to miss.
Be sure to grab everything by checking out our Collectible Orbs and Weapons locations guide for all the details you need to complete your collection.
4. S Rank All Levels on All Difficulties
If you haven’t already, try to achieve S ranks on all 20 levels in Devil May Cry 5. S Ranking can be a challenge, but it’s a great way to master the game’s mechanics and prove your skills.
For more guidance on getting those S ranks, check out the resourceful Reddit post by user itzlandry, which dives deep into character mechanics and offers strategies to help you reach that coveted S rank.
5. Wait For DLC Content
Even if you’ve completed everything in the base game, there might be more content coming down the road. While Capcom producer Matt Walker has stated that there are no current plans for post-launch DLC beyond the Bloody Palace mode, the game’s success (including the second-best PC launch for Capcom) may lead to more exciting additions in the future. Whether it’s additional missions, weapons, or character upgrades, we’ll have to wait and see. Keep an eye on any future announcements and, in the meantime, enjoy perfecting everything you’ve already unlocked.
Devil May Cry 5 offers plenty of challenges and content to explore even after the main story is completed. Whether you’re hunting for achievements, conquering secret missions, or mastering combat to achieve S ranks, there’s always more to do.
What do you think of these 5 things to do after beating Devil May Cry 5? Let me hear yours in the comments below.