Youtuber’s Life 2 Find the Famous YouTuber Guide

One of the side missions players can complete in Youtuber’s Life 2 is to find a famous YouTuber who is wandering around NewTube City. To capture the trend you need to search around the city, find them and snap a phot. Completing this side mission unlocks a special reward if completed. To help you complete the mission see our Youtuber’s Life 2 Find the Famous YouTuber guide below.

Where to find the Famous Youtuber

When this side mission is active Xavier will call you and mention that a famous YouTuber is walking around NewTube City. To leverage this rare event Xavier wants you to find them and take a picture or livestream with them in the background. While this sounds simple enough the character is wearing a disguise, making them harder to locate.

The location of famous YouTuber is random. This means you will likely find him in a different spot than I did. With that said I did some testing and can tell you a few things. First the character is wearing a superhero mask. Second the character is surrounded by an audience of people. Finally when you approach them the #FamousYouTuber tag appears.

If you fail to find the YouTuber in during the day you can always quit your game. This allows you to replay the day, meaning you can search the city over and over again until you finally encounter the character. Be sure you search every part of the city to find them.

Once you do track down the disguised individual snap a picture with them. After you’ve taken the picture head back home and make a video regarding the capture Trend. Edit and upload your video to complete the side quest.

Thoughts on our Youtuber’s Life 2 Find the Famous YouTuber guide? Drop them in the comments below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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