Where to Find Katzia in Youtubers Life 2

In YouTubers Life 2 there is a character who doesn’t appear in your contact list. This character is named Katzia. When you advance the game you need to meet Katzia and befriend her to get a code from her. If you don’t know where to start with this character the our where to find Katzia guide below will help.

Gain Access to the Sewers Using Food

Use food to access the sewers.

If you don’t know where to look you may spend a ton of time looking for this character. Thankfully she is found fairly easily and with little effort. Near Geektopia by the green dumpster there is a door leading to the sewers. This door prompts you to leave food when you approach it. To gain access to the sewers where Katzia is leave 8x food. This will take you four days as you can only leave two pieces a day. Once your relationship is high enough the gate will open and you can enter.

Katzia lives in the sewers. She has a living area. Head over to this area and speak to Katzia. She will mention that someone has been leaving treats for her outside. After you talk to her about this she will give you a quest to complete. To get the code from this character befriend her and complete the quests she gives.

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A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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