The Last of Us 2: Capitol Hill Collectibles Guide

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Once you make it through the elementary school you will arrive in a new area called Capitol Hill. This new area is less linear than the school so you have some room to explore if you are so inspired to. Like the other large levels in this game there are a number of collectibles for you to find in Capitol Hill. To ensure you get them all use our The Last of Us Part II Capitol Hill Collectibles guide below.

Capitol Hill Collectibles List (15 Total)

  • Artifacts: 7.
  • Trading Cards: 6.
  • Workbenches: 2.
  • Safes: 1.

Chevy’s Apology & Kinnard, Esq Trading Card Locations

Image showing the unit with the Chevy's Apology note inside it.

The Chevy’s Apology letter (1/7) can be found on the bed upstairs in the #6 unit of the brick houses next to the pool. Watch out for an infected waiting for you when you get upstairs.

Image showing the unit with the Kinnard, Esq Trading Card inside it.

The Kinnard, Esq Trading Card (1/6) is in the same housing complex, but can be found in the #3 unit. To reach this unit run from #6 past 5 and turn right at the BBQ. The card is inside a small table next to the couch.

Rockafell Trading Card Location

Image showing the Rockafell Trading Card Location.

Head past through the housing complex and onto the street. To your right you will see a Capitol Inn motel. To get the card from the room in this motel head down the alleway behind the motel by the “Rules Must Be Followed” sign. About halfway down the alleyway you will see a blue jacket on a window. Go through this window and grab the Rockafell Trading Card (2/6) off the floor by the front door of the motel room.

Raul’s Olive Branch Locations

Image showing where to go to find Raul's Olive Branch.

Walking out of the front door of the motel and look straight ahead to see an open patio door on a balcony of the red and grey building. Pull the dumpster over to the balcony and climb up into the apartment. Look at the counter island to get Raul’s Olive Branch (2/7).

Workbench 1 Location

Image showing where to find the first workbench in the Capitol Hill level of The Last of Us Part II.

Continue forward past the group of enemies and follow the road to the gas station. To find the Workbench simply go to the service section of the gas station and crouch under the half-open door there. The Workbench (1/2) is on the right wall.

Doctor Stem Trading Card & Rebecca’s Tip Off Locations

Image showing the Doctor Stem Trading Card & Rebecca’s Tip Off Locations.

Continue heading down the road from the gas station to the corner of Benjamin and Grant St. Here you will find a Bookstore. Go inside the Bookstore and head through the door in the back corner. Turn left and you will find the Doctor Stem Trading Card (3/6) on a chest. Head back into bookstore and enter the attached cafe. Go behind the counter to get Rebecca’s Tip Off (3/7).

Sergeant Frost Trading Card Location

Image showing the Sergeant Frost Trading Card Location.

Leave the Bookstore and take a sharp right so you run through an outdoor basketball court. Ran past the leather couch mid-way and drop down and run past the news van. From the news van hang a right and drop down so you are by the open door of the building with the purple awning. Crawl under the rolled door and take your first right (where you will encounter a clicker). Take out the Clicker and continue down the hallway until you see three lockers together. Open the furthest left locker to get the Sargent Frost Trading Card (4/6).

Candelabra Trading Card Location

Image showing the Candelabra Trading Card Location.

Push forward until you reach the military checkpoint. Head through the apartment building attached to the juice stand to enter through a hole in the wall. Boost Dina and climb over the guard shack with her to trigger a cutscene. Walk forward until you see a Liquor Store. Go into the store and head to the back left corner where there is an ATM. Next to the ATM is the Candelbra Trading Card (5/6).

Tower Doodles Location

Image showing the Tower Doodles Location.

Leave the Liquor Store and head past the traps and through the gate. Instead of going down the hill go to the right and climb the watchtower using the ladder underneath it. On top of the watchtower you will find the Tower Doodles (4/7) on a crate.

Raul’s Account Location

Image showing the Raul's Account Location.

Head down the hill and advance forward until you are under the broken overpass. Here you will find an abandoned military truck. Get in the back of the truck to get Raul’s Account (5/7).

Fran’s Refusal & Workbench 2 Locations

Image showing the Fran’s Refusal & Workbench Locations.

Continue forward through the rest of the valley after you discover your horse. Make your way up the banks when you can’t go any further and look for a building called the Martial Arts Center. Avoid the numerous traps around the front of the building and head inside by breaking the window next to the door. On the cork board in the back room is Fran’s Refusal (6/7) and the Workbench (2/2) can be found in the room down the hall from this board.

Bizzarebra Trading Card, Thrift Store Reminder, and Wellwisher’s Safe Locations

Image showing where to find Bizzarebra Trading Card, Thrift Store Reminder, and Wellwisher's Safe Locations.

The last three collectibles can all be found inside the Wellwisher’s which can be found directly behind the Martial Arts Center. The locations of the collectibles are as follows:

  • Bizzarebra Trading Card: Can be found on the shelves on the left side of the wall as soon as you enter (6/6).
  • Thrift Store Reminder: Head into the backroom via the white door and turn right to see the Thrift Store Reminder on a cork board next to the vending machine (7/7).
  • Wellwisher’s Safe: In the room with the cork board head to inside the left door to find the Wellwisher’s Safe. To open the safe use the combination 55 01 33 (1/1).

That’s all the collectibles for the Capitol Hill level in The Last of Us Part II. These collectibles must be acquired if you are looking to platinum the game as there are many trophies tied to the different collectibles you can find.

Next Level: Channel 13 collectibles guide.

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Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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