The Last of Us 2: The Forest Collectibles Locations Guide

After the Winter Visit you will start the next level called The Forest. This level is chapter 30 of The Last of Us 2 story. In this level there are a few collectibles for players to find. To help you find these collectibles check out our The Forest collectibles locations guide below.
The Forest Collectibles List (3 Total)
- Artifacts: 1
- Workbenches: 1
- Training Manuals: 1
The Forest Workbench Location

When you get control of Abby after the full-on cutscene make your way through the forest until you encounter a boss fight against a large woman wielding a pickaxe. Defeat this woman and enter La Rosa’s Auto Shop. In the left corner of this shop you will find the The Forest Workbench (1/1).
The Forest Training Manual: Firearms Location
The Training Manual: Firearms (1/1) can be found in this same building as the Workbench above. Simply head into the break room and enter the office to the right. On a table in the office you will find this collectible.
The Forest Artifact #1: Failed Truce
In the break room you will find the Failed Truce (1/1) artifact on the table next to the fridge. You can grab this collectible before or after you get the Training Manual: Firearms.
That’s all the locations of the collectibles in The Forest chapter of TLOU2. If you are trophy hunting you will need to grab everything listed above. The next chapter, The Coast, features a number of collectibles for you to find.
Next Level: The Coast collectibles guide.
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