The Division 2: Where to Farm Outcast Elites for Westside League

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The first League in The Division 2 is now live and with it comes a number of ranks for players to unlock. To unlock ranks players must complete Westside League Activities in the West End of Washington D.C. One activity players can complete is to kill specific numbers of Outcast Elites. To speed this process up I’ve discovered a fairly simple farm for you to complete to do this activity in no time. Continue reading below to learn where to farm Outcast Elites in the Federal Emergency Bunker.

Note: Do this mission on Challenging difficulty.

Where to Farm Outcast Elites for the Westend League?

Image showing where to farm Outcast Elite in The Division 2.

Start the Federal Emergency Bunker and make your way through it until you reach the first elevator that leads down to the Bunker. Ride down the elevator and enter the first area. In this cave system you will see some Outcasts standing next to a flammable barrel. Clear out these four enemies to spawn in 2x Outcast Elites (Tank + Rusher).

Defeat these two Outcast Elites and die. This forces you to respawn and the encounter resets, allowing you to farm these two enemies indefinitely. Since you need to defeat 15/30/50/75/100/125/150/175/200/250. To reach max Stage you will need to farm a total of 250 Outcast Elites, so throw on a podcast or anime and get farming. Good luck.

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A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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