The Division 2 Southwest SHD Tech Cache Locations

In the lower southwest corner of the map is an area aptly named Southwest. In this area there are a number of Control Points and SHD Tech Caches to discover. This guide will show you the Southwest SHD Tech cache locations.
Southwest SHD Tech Cache Locations Map
I omitted the main mission from this map, as you need to complete it to further the game. Completing that mission (Space Administration HQ) rewards you with SHD Tech.
Note: To have the SHDs marked on your map, access the Safe House and interact with the computer there. This will mark points of interest on your map.
1. Mechanical Room by The Choke Control Point
In the building to the southwest of The Choke Control Point there is a mechanical room in the basement. Inside is the SHD Tech cache.
2. By Playground in Courtyard of Apartments
At location two there is a large apartment building. Make your way into the courtyard area and look for a playground set. Beside the playground is the SHD Tech.
3. In Parkade of Police Station
To get this SHD is a bit of a bear. You need to make your way inside the Washington Police Parkade via the entrance on the north side of the building. Once inside walk until you see this room on your left. Inside is the SHD Tech cache.
4. Side Mission: SHD Tech Beacon
Complete the SHD Side Mission: SHD Tech Beacon to earn these 5 SHD Tech. You will need to search the train wreckage for the cache. Follow the questline and you will reach the SHD Tech cache.
5. Inside Blue Train Car
You will find this cache inside a blue train car on the railway line.
6. In Small Sitting Area Outside Apartment
The final SHD Tech Cache can be found in a small sitting area outside an apartment building.
That’s all the Southwest SHD Tech Cache locations. Use these to buy Perks and trick out your Agent to be more useful in and out of battle.
Next: Downtown West SHD Tech cache locations.
Southwest is actually in the southEAST corner of the map. Dont ask me why…