The Division 2: Prime Target Hornet Guide

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The final hunt in the Keener’s Legacy season pass for The Division 2 is for the Prime Target Hornet. Before getting this final target you will need to hunt four lower targets. Once the final bounty hunt is unlocked you will get the reward of the Repair Trap for defeating Hornet. To help you complete this final season hunt use our Prime Target Hornet guide below.

How to Get the Prime Target Hornet Bounty Hunt?

Image showing the Hornet hunt in The Division 2.

Before you can hunt the final target, Hornet, you first need to complete four bounty hunts as part of the Manhunt. These bounty hunts are part of the Keener’s Legacy season. The four hunts were released over the course of the season and feature hunts for the following targets (click links for guide):

  1. Termite.
  2. Luna.
  3. Huntsman.
  4. Titan.

Once you’ve hunted all of the targets listed above you will trigger the final hunt with the Prime Target Hornet. This target can be found in the West Potomac Stronghold.

Where to Find Repair Trap and Defeat Hornet

After you’ve unlocked the Hornet Manhunt head to the West Potomac Park Stronghold. Ensure the Stronghold is set to at minimum normal and head through it. As you play through the Stronghold you will notice some new objectives. Complete these new objectives (as you would in any Stronghold) and until you reach a section where you need to enter a building to get Shade Tech.

Repair Trap

Image showing the Repair Trap skill in The Division 2.

On the second floor of this building there is the Repair Trap skill. This new skill is a throwable trap that does the following when active:

The Repair Trap scatters a minefield of small devices capable of repairing friendlies in their proximity. Cooldown reduced when traps expire.

Once you have this skill you will be able to advance through the level and the pockets of Eclipse Virus you will encounter. This skill has to be used when you encounter the warhound bridge section. After this section you will reach Hornet who is stationed on the deck of the large ship. Defeat Hornet here to complete the manhunt.

That’s all you need to know about the final Keener’s Legacy bounty hunt for Hornet. Complete this bounty hunt to get the Repair Trap skill to add to your agent’s arsenal. Like other skills this ability must be equipped to use on your agent.

Thoughts on our Prime Target Hornet Guide? Drop them in The Pit below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

1 response

  1. Frank Webber says:

    “Guide to Hornet” is more like, “LAWL YOU DO WHAT WE JUST READ IN THE MANUAL, LAWL!”
    How about a useful “guide”, like a path through the virus fields, how to get the Warhound moving, if you should be in front of it or behind it, how it might even be remotely possible to get a decent time trial on Hard for Seasons, when the Warhound is your biggest drawback?
    How about a guide like that? Or would that require one of your “journalists” to actually play the game?

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