Starfield: NASA Snow Globe Location

The Starfield NASA Snow Globe is a collectible item players can find in NASA on Earth. This collectible is hidden in this location for players to find. If you don’t know where you need to look for it, the guide below will help. Below I walk through where to find the NASA Snow Globe in Starfield.
Where is the NASA Snow Globe in Starfield
To get the NASA Snow Globe you need to make your way to NASA Launch Facility location on the planet of Earth in the Sol System. Once you are at this location make your way through the exhibit area into the cavern and mechanical rooms. As you go through the cavern section you will arrive in a room with a locked red secure access door that requires power to open.
In the room with this door make your way forward towards the power socket on the far wall. When you are facing the outlet, look to the left and you will find a desk with an old computer on it. To the left of this desk you will find the Snow Globe item. This Snow Globe item has NASA in big letters inside of it. This item is purely decorative in nature and has a sell value of 195.
If you already visited this location during the main story mission Unearthed, you can still go to this room. Other sections of the NASA Launch Facility do become inaccessible, including the room you need to visit if you want to do the Opportunity Rover activity.
This is just one among several landmarks that players can discover on Earth. Make sure to refer to our comprehensive Earth Landmark guide to locate all ten of them along with their corresponding Snow Globes.
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