Starfield: Kid Stuff Trait Explained

The Starfield Kid Stuff trait is a possible starting trait that players can select when creating their character. This trait is interesting because it unlocks a special side activity players can complete on Jemison in New Atlantis. To learn more about this side activity, see our guide for the Kid Stuff Trait below.
What Does the Kid Stuff Trait do in Starfield
There are various traits that players can select from when they make a new character in Starfield. These traits feature both positives and negatives and often unlock special activities during your playthrough. One of the traits you can select is the Kid Stuff trait. This trait keeps your parents alive, so you can visit them, but causes you to pay 2% of your credits to them.
How to Visit Your Parents with the Kid Stuff Trait in Starfield
If you go with the Kid Stuff Trait you will be able to visit your parents in New Atlantis on Jemison. When you are on this planet you will get an activity to visit them. To see them take the NAT (train) to the Residential District area. From here turn right and go to the Pioneer Tower. Take the elevator up to the family apartments and interact with the first door you see.
Following the first visit you will be invited to visit your parents regularly as you progress through the main storyline. These visits usually include brief references to other family members or catching up. Most visit also include some type of reward for the player including armor, a recipe, and even a ship.
Can You Stop Paying Your Parents in Starfield
As I mentioned earlier, one of the drawbacks of the Kid Stuff trait is that you pay 2% of your Credits to your parents. If you want to support them into their old age, I respect that.
If you don’t want to waste the credits you can get out of this arrangement by speaking to your father in the Family Apartment. Tell him you can’t keep sending money home. You will be prompted to remove the Kid Stuff trait. Select yes to do it. If you do select yes your parents will be forced to move out of their apartment a few days later and players will no longer be able to enter it.
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