South Park: The Fractured But Whole Boss List

Since we’ve looked at the bosses in the base game of South Park: The Fractured But Whole, it is time to look at the DLC bosses. On this page, you will find the boss fights for From Dusk Till Casa Bonita, the first storyline DLC for South Park The Fractured But Whole.
Bosses on this page:
- Chiquita The Gorilla
- Black Bart
- Mike
- Master Vampire
- Michael Jackson AKA Corey Haim
Chiquita The Gorilla
Location: Lower Dining Room
Chiquita the Gorilla is one of the first bosses you will face off against in From Dusk Till Casa Bonita. This boss fight can be found in the Lower Dining Room and must be completed in order to obtain a Vampire Relic for the main story.
Black Bart
Location: Black Bart’s Cave
Black Bart is the second boss fight you will face in the From Dusk Till Casa Bonita DLC. This boss is located in Black Bart’s Cave (shocking). Defeating Black Bart and his Vampire Kid minions will earn you another Vampire Relic.
Location: VIP Party Room
After you collect the four Vampire Relics scattered around Casa Bonita, you will gain access to the VIP Party Room (behind the locked door). Inside this room you will be confronted by Mike and a gang of Vampire Kids. Defat them to move the storyline along.
Master Vampire
Location: On top of waterfall
After defeating Mike, he will take Karen and run to the top of the Casa Bonita waterfall. Here you will learn one of the storyline’s twists. Mike isn’t the Vampire you should be worried about, the Master Vampire is. Defeat the Master Vampire and you will be one boss away from beating the Casa Bonita DLC.
Michael Jackson AKA Corey Haim
Location: In front of VIP Door (after jumping off waterfall and completing the Water Level)
After defeating the Master Vampire, Michael Jackson will appear and grab Karen. They will both jump off the waterfall and force you to do the sam. Once you jump off the waterfall you will need to complete a Water Level. Once complete, you will emerge in front of the VIP room door.
Need help tracking down the various side quests in South Park: The Fractured But Whole? Use this guide to make things easier.