South Park: The Fractured But Whole Boss List

South Park: The Fractured But Whole features a number of crazy boss fights for you to complete during your playthrough. Below you will find our South Park: The Fractured But Whole boss list. In this list you will find all the bosses in The Fractured But Whole as well as strategies on how to take them out.
Bosses on this page:
- Dragon
- Alternate Human Kite
- Sixth Graders
- Raisins Girls
- Rednecks
Jump to page 2 if looking for later bosses.
Dragon (Tutorial)
Location: Outside Cartman’s house
The Dragon is a pseudo – boss you will fight in the tutorial. This battle is fairly easy and can be won in a few turns. The only real point here is to learn how the new combat systems in South Park: The Fractured But Whole work.
Alternate Human Kite (Kyle Mission)
Location: Kyle’s Room
Like the Dragon, the Human Kite 2 is mostly a tutorial boss. In this fight we learn about shields and how they work in battle. All you need to do in this fight is run through the motions and eventually the battle will end on its own.
Sixth Graders (Main Story)
Location: Street connecting Neighborhood to Main Street.
Before you are able to enter the main street in South Park, you need to face off against some Sixth Graders.
Raisins Girls (Main Story)
Location: Raisins
In order to add the Mosquito to your allies list, you need to complete his side mission. This mission takes you to Raisins where you need to defeat a horde of Raisins girls.
Rednecks (Gender Selection Mission)
Location: School
If you head to the school, you can add your gender to your player card. Once this is done, you will face off with some rednecks who don’t like your decision.
Need help tracking down the various side quests in South Park: The Fractured But Whole? Use this guide to make things easier.