Sound of Discord Guide – Genshin Impact

The Sound of Discord is a quest players can complete in Genshin Impact as part of the Windblume Festival Anecdotes. This quest tasks players with completing a couple of tasks for the NPC named Vile. Vile is working to uncover a plot against Mondstadt. To help you complete this seasonal mission use our Sound of Discord guide below.
How to Start the Sound of Discord Side Quest
The Sound of Discord quest is available for players to complete while the Windblume Festival is running in Genshin Impact. This side mission can be found on the Events Overview > Invitation of Windblume > Festive Anecdotes screen. On this screen scroll down to the Act III section to find three side quests that include Sound of Discord. Push ‘Go to Quest’ to add it to your quest screen.
Look for Vile
Once you activate the mission you will receive the first quest step. This first step is to look for an NPC named Vile. Vile is located in the plaza area near the Cathedral in Mondstadt. Make your way over to this NPC and speak to her to learn she has a request for you. This request is to find Treasure Hoarders that have infiltrated the city.
Look for the Suspicious Person with the Package

Now that we have the request from Vile it is time to find the suspicious individual in Mondstadt. This suspicious individual is located southwest of the Angel’s Share Tavern. At the map location above is an NPC called Suspicious Citizen. Approach this NPC and speak to him to expose his plan. Once the plan is exposed the knights will take away the Treasure Hoarder and you will get the next quest objective.
Go to the Treasure Hoarder Camp
Once the plan is exposed it is time to take the fight to the Treasure Hoarders. They have setup a camp to the east of Mondstadt along the road, so make your way to this location. At the location clear the camp of enemies. Once done make your way back to Vile and speak to her to end the mission. As your reward you receive XP, Primogems, Mora, and Hero’s Wit.
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