Resident Evil Village Piano Puzzle Solution

In Resident Evil Village you will encounter a number of puzzles as you playthrough the game’s main storyline. One puzzle you will encounter involves playing a piano. This puzzle rewards you with a special key when completed. While it may seem simple it is a bit confusing to complete. To help you here’s our Resident Evil Village piano puzzle solution guide.

How to Solve the Piano Puzzle in Resident Evil Village

Image showing the Resident Evil Village piano puzzle.

In the Opera Hall of the castle you will find a grand piano in the corner of the room. If you approach this piano you will receive a prompt to examine it. When you examine the piano you will zoom in on the keys and a sheet of music. To solve this puzzle you need to play the notes on the sheet of music. If you are not musically inclined there is an orange dot helper that appears on each note. Play each key until the dot rests on top of the note you need to play (as seen above). When the dot is on the note play the highlighted key you are on.

Once you play the musical piece the piano will close and a special compartment above the keys will open that has a key in it. Grab the Iron Insignia Key. This key can be used to open a door upstairs.

That’s all you need to know to solve the Resident Evil Village Piano Puzzle. The solution to this puzzle is fairly simple and can be completed by simply watching the orange dot. Once it is in position press the highlighted key. Repeat until the song is played.

For more guides like this one see our Resident Evil Village walkthroughs page.

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