Remnant From the Ashes Armor Sets

In Remnant: From the Ashes there are a number of armor sets for players to find. These armor sets give different bonuses and change how your character plays. To help you find the different Remnant: From the Ashes armor sets, check out our guide below. Status: Updating.
Class Armor Sets (Ward 13)
When you start the game you will be prompted to select a class. The class you select has a specific armor set. If you want to get the other class sets go to Rigs in Ward 13 and purchase the other two from him. There are three class specific sets:
- Hunter set.
- Cultist set.
- Scrapper set.
The class armor sets are the easiest sets to get in the game.
Drifter’s Set (Earth – Founder’s Hideout)

In the Founder’s Hideout next to the bulletin board on the back wall there is a tall bookshelf. Break it with your melee then crouch through the hole and go upstairs. Upstairs you will find two pieces of the Drifter’s Set. The helmet is a random item find on Earth.
Drifter Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- -10% Stamina Usage.
- -20% Stamina Usage.
- -35% Stamina Usage.
Leto’s Set (Earth – Research Area Alpha)
New set as of the September 19th update. Can be acquired by using Leto’s Machine with the algorithm off multiple times until you end up in B2. Here you will find the set down a hallway.
Leto’s Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- No effect.
- No effect.
- Reduces stagger level by 1.
Bandit Set (Earth – The Depot)
To get the Bandit Set you will first need to get the Pocket Watch from Mud Tooth. Once you have the Pocket Watch head into the area after the church and look for The Depot (accessible through Cutthroat Channel). Once you reach The Depot speak to Barabus and give him the watch. He will give you the Bandit Set for you generosity.
Bandit Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- 10% chance to replace spent bullet on hit.
- 20% chance to replace spent bullet on hit.
- 35% chance to replace spent bullet on hit.
Twisted Set (Earth – The Gallows)
On Earth look for The Gallows area after The Church siege section. The Gallows is a dungeon that can spawn in the city area before the world boss. Complete The Gallows survival mission then use the Root bench that appears to craft the Twisted Set.
Twisted Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- +0.3 health regeneration per second.
- +0.476 health regeneration per second.
- +0.666 health regeneration per second.
Osseous Set (Rohm – Wasteland Merchant)
Head to Wod’s (the Wasteland Merchant fast travel spot) on Rohm. Talk to Wod and purchase all the information he has. Once you’ve exhausted all his information he will sell you the Osseous Set.
Osseous Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- +7% damage increase for 5 seconds after killing an enemy.
- +15% damage increase for 5 seconds after killing an enemy.
- +25% damage increase for 5 seconds after killing an enemy.
Void Set (Rohm – The Monolith)
Go to The Monolith fast travel spot on Rohm and look for a round symbol in front of the tower. From this symbol you need to walk along the tiles so that they stay down (if you do it wrong the tiles pop back up). If done correctly the symbol will lower into the ground giving you access to The Monolith and the Void Set crafting station.
Void Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- +4% damage increase for 20 seconds after taking damage.
- +8% damage increase for 20 seconds after taking damage.
- +13% damage increase for 20 seconds after taking damage.
Akari Set (Rohm – Vault of Heralds)
To get the Akari Set you need to collect 3x Glowing Rods from around Rohm. These Glowing Rods Key Items spawn onto the map if you have the Vault of Heralds room. Once you have the Glowing Rods make your way inside the Vault of Heralds and open the three doors at the end of the dungeon. Inside these three rooms is the set. Note you unlock this set over multiple playthroughs if you can’t find all three Glowing Rods in one run.
Akari Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- +15% melee damage and crit chance for 5 second after perfectly dodging an attack.
- +30% melee damage and crit chance for 5 second after perfectly dodging an attack.
- +50% melee damage and crit chance for 5 second after perfectly dodging an attack.
Slayer Set (Corsus – The Elf Queen)
You can obtain the Slayer Set on the planet Corsus. Give the Elven Queen the Guardian’s Heart and she will give you the Slayer Set as one of your rewards.
Slayer Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- +10% damage dealt to next enemy after reloading.
- +20% damage dealt to next enemy after reloading.
- +30% damage dealt to next enemy after reloading.
Radiant Set (Yaesha – Stuck Merchant)
Like the Osseous Set, the Radiant Set can be acquired through the Stuck Merchant on Yaesha. Simply acquire information from the merchant until they run out of dialogue. They will offer to sell you rare items. This allows you to buy the chest and legs. The helmet can be found inside a dungeon on Yaesha which is opened via the Strange Curio from the back of the Stuck Merchant’s chariot.
Radiant Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- +0.75% Crit Chance and Damage for 2 seconds after landing a critical hit.
- +1.5% Crit Chance and Damage for 2 seconds after landing a critical hit.
- +2.5% Crit Chance and Damage for 2 seconds after landing a critical hit.
Elder Set (Yaesha – Martyr’s Sanctuary)
The Elder Set can be acquired by completing the Martyr’s Sanctuary dungeon. This dungeon is a random spawn that can be reached through The Temple of the Ravager. To complete the dungeon you need to survive the siege while the wolf door opens. Once the door opens head inside to grab the Elder Set.
Elder Set Bonus (Per Piece Equipped):
- 10% to not consume Dragon Heart on use.
- 20% to not consume Dragon Heart on use.
- 30% to not consume Dragon Heart on use.
This concludes our guide to getting all the Remnant: From the Ashes armor sets. If you collect a total of 5 sets you will unlock the Equipment Collector achievement. If you collect 10 sets you will unlock the Equipment Enthusiast achievement. Good luck gathering them all!