Remnant 2 Clocktower Puzzle

The Remnant 2 clocktower puzzle is a puzzle you can encounter in the Brocwithe Quarter, Morrow Parish, or Forsaken Quarter biomes of the world of Losomn. This event tasks you with getting the time from the Hewdas Clock to input on a clock in the Lemark District. Completing this puzzle rewards plyers with variety of goodies to help in their playthrough.
Remnant 2 Clocktower Event Puzzle Guide
Make your way through Morrow Parish until you reach the location called Hewdas Clock. At this location make your way outside the walls so you can look up at the clock face. Note the position of both the big and little hand on it. That’s all we need from the clocktower at this moment. Head over to the named Lemark District area now.
Lemark District Clock Puzzle Solution
In the Lemark Districk location go through the area until you reach the very last room which has a clock in it that you can interact with. Interact with the clock on the wall and input the time from the Hewdas Clock into it. Doing this correctly causes an item to drop out of the clock. The item is Clockwork Pinion, which we need for the clocktower. Head back to the Hewdas Clock now.
Hewdas Clock Clocktower Puzzle Solution
At the Hewdas Clock climb the exterior of the clocktower using the ladders, scaffoldings, and open windows to reach the interior of the clock at the very top. You’ll know when you’ve reached it since the room is full of gears.
The gears you see are the puzzle we need to solve. There is a gear missing we need to place. Interact with the spot that is missing the gear and place the Clockwork Pinion we grabbed earlier. After the pinion is placed use the handle to rotate the gears so they start moving. This causes the Broken Timepiece material to fall to your left. You can give the Broken Timepiece to McCabe to craft the Time Lapse weapon mod.
If you explore the rest of the top of the clocktower will find chest that contains the Timekeeper’s Jewel and Cracked Mod. Next to the chest containing these items is a lever you can pull. Pull the lever to activate the elevator you saw at the bottom of the clocktower. This allows you to easily leave the tower.
This is not the only puzzle hiding in the Losomn world of Remnant 2. There is an NPC named Oracle of the Dran who needs you help finding missing Dran children. See our Oracle of the Dran guide for details.
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