Reda’s Shop Daily Items Guide for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla

In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Reda’s Shop becomes available once you reach your settlement in Ravensthorpe. This special shop offers a variety of exclusive daily and weekly items, including tattoos, mounts, and settlement cosmetics. All items in Reda’s Shop can be purchased using Opals, the game’s unique currency. If you want to stay updated on what’s for sale today, you’ve come to the right place—I update this article daily with the latest items from Reda’s Shop. Check out the current inventory below!
Where to Find Reda’s Shop in AC Valhalla
Reda’s Shop is located in your Ravensthorpe settlement in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. You’ll find the stall north of the dock, near the path that splits toward the main building. Make sure you’re connected to the internet to access his inventory. When you first speak to Reda, you’ll unlock the quest called “Viking for Hire” and earn 50 Opals as a reward.
Reda’s Items for Sale in AC Valhalla
Reda’s Shop features seven rotating items, with daily and weekly updates. The daily item refreshes at 8 AM MST/7 AM PT, while weekly items change every Tuesday at 7 AM MST/6 AM PT. This article is updated daily to reflect the current items for sale, so be sure to check back regularly to see what’s new in Reda’s Shop.
Reda’s Daily Selection on March 25
- Hearthweru Shields (Longship Customization) – 35 Opals
Reda’s Weekly Selection for March 25-April 1
- High Elf (Head Tattoo) – 35 Opals
- Huldufolk Tailpiece (Longship Customization) – 35 Opals
- Engraved Tree (Settlement Cosmetic) – 35 Opals
- Steampunk Sail (Longship Customization) – 35 Opals
- Holy Knight Helmet (Blessed) (Helmet) – 100 Opals
- Charlemagne’s Hood (Hood) – 100 Opals
If you’re also playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey or Shadows, you might want to know that Sargon’s Shop and the Shadows Exchange both refresh at the same time as Reda’s. This can be a great way to plan your shopping in both games!
How to Get Opals in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
To buy items from Reda’s Shop, you’ll need to earn Opals, the special in-game currency in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Here’s how you can get Opals:
- Complete Reda’s Contracts: Earn Opals by completing daily and weekly contracts given by Reda. Simply tell Reda “I want a contract” to see what’s available.
- Find World Spawns: Explore the world of AC Valhalla to discover hidden Opals. You can also buy a map from the Ubisoft store to help locate them.
- Participate in Events: During seasonal events, you can exchange tokens for Opal bundles in the event shop.
- Ubisoft Gifts: Occasionally, Ubisoft gifts players Opals through Ubisoft Connect. Check the rewards menu on the main screen for available gifts.
Using these methods, you can acquire a decent amount of Opals to purchase the items Reda sells each week. To keep costs low, focus on completing the daily and weekly contracts Reda provides, and take advantage of any free options when available.
Free Weekly Item
Don’t forget to claim your free weekly item from the shop crate after the weekly reset. This is a great way to collect items without spending Opals.
What do you think about Reda’s latest inventory? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
A link to what items look like would be great. As I was hoping for the “golden tree” from the dark night pack. Was sadly disappointed when, instead, i spent opal on the “golden tree” from the black raven pack.
It is justo me? Or in Ragnarok dlc every day there are 3 Reda s quests
It’s not just you. If you go to the the ragnarok world and do the daily reda quest you get 2 quests minimum, (if you get 3 you don’t need to do what I’m about the say), after doing the ragnarok reda quest, “wake up” in England and go see that Reda and you can get a 3rd daily quest quite often.
Thanks for the tip Jim B.
Seems a little neglected, it’s been since the 10th of December like this. Reda shop has no items. What’s the point of saving opals if we can’t buy anything.
Fixed for one day then back to no shop available.
December 1st, 2022: Just got the newest update for Series X version, and a glitch makes nothing appear in Reda’s store! I can’t find ANY recent help or mentions online! Is it just me? Am I screwed by a game-breaker?
No I’m having the same issue!
Same here, even now on the 14th.
wait a bit longer up to 10 secs it will be on, at least is like that for me.
Thank you so much for putting this together and keeping it updated!
Thanks for reading!
What was the daily item on 4/13/2022? My shop was empty. I am waiting for the Knight Isu Helmet and the Einherjar hood the most.
I just want a really cool mount, particularly the Ghost mount. Only one mounts popped up since I started and thats today with Hrimfaxi which is pretty boring.
Can I expect to see ,, sooner then later,, some Dragon skin at Reda Shop ?
I want a refund!!!! item sucks and is horrible lol….
can you sell what you bought from reda? or is it permanently in your account?
It won’t allow me to purchase the back tattoo from this week’s shop selection (17th Oct 21′). I can click it and it acts like I bought it, but when I go back into the shop menu it’s still purchasable again. I tried last night and today and it still won’t work. Any ideas?
Try closing and relaunching. If that doesn’t work try resetting the console.
How do I equip the modern day shields I bought from him
The Modern Day Shields is a longship customization item. You can equip it through Vagn or the Dockyard in your settlement.
I won’t even show me what’s is in the market of the daily selection or the weekly selection. So I can’t buy anything. How do I fix this
Close the game completely, this fixes it for me
What’s the daily item today in Reda’s shop? I can’t login to check today just want to make sure I’m not missing a good item. I love that you guys do this I check it everyday. Thank You
Hi Bryan. Today it is the Odin Wooden Statue settlement decoration for 35 Opal. I typically drop a screenshot on our twitter daily: Thanks.
I want to see surtr the sword
You can easily look up a guide on each item sold by Reda. This is just to say what items they’re selling and how much we longer they’re selling it for.
Reda’s items are mostly found in the helix store dread horse, blood raven, ice wall shield, sinner skull, other cosmetics. If you want a specific item wait to buy from Reda. If you want an entire set maybe pay money. It’s up to you.
The beserker breeches are a cheap ugly version nothing like the original ones from the beserker pack . Dont even bother. Waste of opal!
I purchased the burning tree schematic and I dont inow how to use it. When i go to settlement decorations and try to change them the burning tree does not show up as an option
I had the same problem. From what I’ve figured out, your settlement has one decorative tree available at any given time. It’s located directly west, across from the hunters hut. Find the decoration podium, open it, and you should have a menu of just trees with the burning tree among them. Hope this helps.
You need to find a specific place where only tree schematics pop up. I had the same issue … it is close to the long house.
Love what you are doing here, except this is the same information you can get by just visiting reda. What I would like to know is what each thing should be worth, if not paying in opals. I think that’s what everyone wants to know. Or are redas items only to be found from his shop?
This is more for people who are away and can’t hop in game due to work or something else. If you see an item here, gives you the heads up, “hey, you want this? get in game now and get it”
A lot of his items can be purchased with $ through Helix. That maybe the only way to get complete armor sets.