Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Shiny Typhlosion

A limited time Tera Raid featuring Typhlosion occurred in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. This event allowed players the chance to snag an otherwise unobtainable Pokemon to use in the Paldea region. While many fans are happy to simply have snagged themselves the Pokemon, others are wondering about it’s shiny form. To learn more about the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Shiny Typhlosion, read our guide below.
Can You Catch a Shiny Typhlosion During the 7 Star Tera Raid?
The most common question raised regarding regarding the current Tera Raid event is whether or not the Tera Raid Typhlosion can be shiny. The answer to this question is no. Previous 7 Star Tera Raid events featuring Charizard, Cinderace, Greninja, and Decidueye were all Shiny Locked. This means the Pokemon that appeared during those raids would not spawn in their Shiny forms. Typhlosion is the same. It is Shiny Locked during the event.
Further throwing a wrench in the Shiny hunters plans is the fact that 7 Star Tera Raids are limited to one Pokemon caught per event. This makes Shiny hunting, if it were even possible, during the event moot since you can only catch it once.
How to Get a Shiny Typhlosion?
If you read the above section and felt a bit sad, cheer up. While the event itself is limited to a non-Shiny Typhlosion, there is still a method to attaining a Shiny Decidyeye in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet that is available to you.
To get a Shiny Typhlosion you want to breed your Tera Raid Typhlosion with a foreign Ditto. This method of breeding is called the Masuda Method, and it has the highest Shiny odds. Using the Masuda Method with the Shiny Charm greatly speeds up the shiny hunting process, so I highly suggest using it.
To breed the two Pokemon, put both in your party and have a picnic. During the picnic the Pokemon will breed, filling the basket with eggs. Simply breed the Typhlosion and Ditto until you have a bunch of eggs in your basket. Collect the eggs and place them in your inventory and boxes. Walk around until you hatch a Shiny Cyndaquil. Evolve the Shiny Cyndaquil through its forms to Typhlosion to get yourself a Shiny Typhlosion.
That’s all you need to know about how to get the Shiny Typhlosion in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet. Just try to keep in mind that the method of breeding listed above is still up to RNG, so it may take you while until you finally get one.
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