Pokemon Legends Arceus The Charm Lost in the Swamp Guide

Pokemon Legends Arceus The Charm Lost in the Swamp is the 40th Request players can complete in the game. This request is located at the Bogbound Camp in the Crimson Mirelands. Speak to Yojiro to learn what he wants done. To help you complete this Request see HTR’s Pokemon Legends Arceus The Charm Lost in the Swamp guide below.
Request 40 Notes
- Requested By: Yojiro (Bogbound Camp).
- Description: “Yojiro wants you to find his charm that he lost while being chased by an alpha Hippowdon.”
- Target: Charm.
- Rewards: Iron Chunk x5; Grit Gravel x1.
Where to Start The Charm Lost in the Swamp (Request 40)
Once you complete Request 31: Setting Up the Bogbound Camp you will be able to do this Request. Yojiro is located near the camp entrance. Walk over and speak to him to learn he lost a charm in the swamp after being chased by an Alpha Hippowdon.
Find the Lost Charm and Return it to Yojiro
To find the charm make your way back to the area called the Sludge Mound. Head to the make location shown above and you will trigger a cutscene where a Hippowdon will attack you. Defeat this Pokemon to trigger a cutscene. During the cutscene Yojiro comes over and retrieves the charm from where it fell in the swamp.
Once Yojiro retrieves the charm the Request is conclude. He will give you 5x Iron Chunk and a Grit Gravel for helping find the charm he lost in the swamp.
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