Pet Simulator 99 Flower Garden Explained

In Pet Simulator 99’s Update 1 there is a new mini-game players can take part in called the Flower Garden. This mini-game, as it sounds, allows you to farm flowers in the experience. The flowers you farm provide different bonuses which can be beneficial while playing through the experience. To learn more about the Pet Simulator 99 Flower Garden, see our guide below.
Where is the Flower Garden Mini-Game in Pet Simulator 99
To locate the Flower Garden mini-game in Pet Simulator 99 you need to make your way to Area #54: Flower Field. In this area you will notice a bridge leading to an entrance. Cross the bridge and walk up to the entrance. Go through it to reach the Flower Garden room where you can take part in the mini-game.
How to Farm in Pet Simulator 99
Inside the Flower Garden room, find a large greenhouse in the middle. Go inside the greenhouse to discover 10 planters—4 unlocked initially, 6 purchasable with diamonds. To plant seeds, approach a usable planter, press the interact button, and select seeds from your inventory. Wait for them to grow.
If you don’t wish to wait for the seeds to grow, use an Insta-Plant Capsule for instant results or employ the Watering Can to accelerate growth timer on each watered plant.
Watering Can: You pick this up outside the entrance to the greenhouse. It is a basic one. There is a Golden Watering Can that provides an even better time boost that can be earned from mini-games or bought from the Trading Plaza.
How to Get Seeds in Pet Simulator 99
In order to plant, ensure you have seeds for the greenhouse planters. Acquire seeds from various sources using different methods:
- Drop from destroying breakables
- Garden Merchant in Area #54: Flower Field
- Rank reward from Levelling-Up
- Purchase from Trading Plaza
The above mentioned activities will require either playing the game or spending diamonds to acquire seeds.
What Do the Seeds Do in Pet Simulator 99
There are currently four types of seeds players can use in Pet Simulator 99: Coin Seeds, Potion Seeds, Diamond Seeds, Gift Seeds. As the names of these seeds suggest, each one provides a specific bonus when fully grown. The bonuses are:
- Coin Seed: Grows into a bunch of coins
- Potion Plant Seed: Grows into potions
- Diamond Plant Seed: Grows into a bunch of diamonds
- Gift Plant Seed: Grows into gifts
Each seed has a different growing time and yields a different reward. The longest growing time is the Gift Plant Seed while the shortest is the Coin Seed.
That’s all you really need to know about the Pet Simulator 99 Flower Garden mini-game. The concept of it is simple. Acquire seeds from different sources and then plant them in the greenhouse. Wait for them to grow and then harvest there rewards. Simple as that.
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