One for the History Books Guide – Monster Hunter: World

Shooting Zorah Magdaros.

After completing the various Assignments in the Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste, a cutscene will play outlining the Council’s plan to capture the elder dragon, Zorah Magdaros. The quest “One for the History Books” takes you through a series of tasks that shift gameplay from regular hunting to a more defensive strategy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you successfully complete this quest and earn valuable materials. This One for the History Books guide will provide all the essential details you need.

Objective 1: Attack to Weaken Zorah Magdaros

You’ll begin this quest on a high wall, where defensive measures like cannons and ballistas are at your disposal. The goal here is to use these weapons to deal damage and weaken Zorah Magdaros. Pay attention to the following defensive measures:

Defensive Measures

  • Ballistas: These can be aimed accurately and have 10 shots per reload. They deal less damage than cannons but can hit critical spots on exposed areas if you break parts of Zorah Magdaros.
  • Cannons: These are faster to reload (5 cannonballs per reload) and deal more damage. Your Palico will help load the cannons, making them an efficient choice.

Keep firing until you trigger the next objective.

Objective 2: Fire the Binder from the Ballista

Firing the Binder.
Firing the Binder.

Once enough damage is dealt, head to the rope ladder leading to the barricade. Grab the One-shot Binder, load it into the ballista, and shoot it at Zorah Magdaros. Afterward, return to dealing damage until Zorah breaches the first barricade, progressing the quest.

Objective 3: Reach Zorah’s Back

Hitching Post.
Use the Hitching Post to reach the back.

After Zorah breaches the first barricade, follow the objective marker to a hitching post located on top of the barricade. A cutscene will play, and you will be launched onto Zorah’s back.

Objective 4: Mine and Destroy Magmacores

Magmacore on Zorah's back.
Focus on mining while on Zorah’s back.

Prioritize mining over destroying Magmacores while on Zorah’s back. Several Mining Outcrops spread across its back, and mining them grants valuable materials for crafting after the quest. Once you’ve mined all the available spots (at least five), shift your focus to destroying the Magmacores.

Note: This phase seems time-based, so you may move on to the next section before completing the Magmacores objective.

Objective 5: Survive Nergigante’s Attack

Survive until help arrives to complete the quest.

After enough time passes or the Magmacores are destroyed, Nergigante will appear and try to attack you. The goal here is to survive until help arrives. Once the timer runs out, the quest will end with a cutscene featuring The Huntsman.

Additional Tips:

  • Make sure you’re familiar with the location of all the defensive weapons in Objective 1. This will help you stay focused on dealing damage.
  • In Objective 4, keep an eye out for Mining Outcrops to maximize your rewards.
  • Don’t worry too much about defeating Nergigante in Objective 5—just focus on surviving until help arrives.

That wraps up our guide for the “One for the History Books” quest! For more tips on gear and gameplay, check out our Astera Hub guide and Low Rank Armor guide to optimize your hunting experience.

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Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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