Nergigante Guide: How to Hunt, Defeat, and Craft Gear


In Monster Hunter: World, the epic battle against Nergigante, the “Eater of Elder Dragons,” is one of the most daunting challenges you’ll face. This brutal Elder Dragon appears during your journey through High Rank in the Elder’s Recess, and its presence signals a fierce showdown. Nergigante is not an opponent to take lightly — it can decimate unprepared hunters in mere seconds. But fear not! Our Nergigante guide will prepare you for this battle, covering everything from its weaknesses, rewards, and attack patterns to strategies for bringing it down and crafting the powerful Nergigante armor set.

Let’s dive in and break down what you need to know to slay this terrifying dragon!

Nergigante Information

Image of Nergigante Physiology
The Nergigante physiology.

Nergigante Overview

  • Difficulty: 8⭐ (Very High)
  • Location: Elder’s Recess (High Rank)
  • Size: Large Elder Dragon
  • Species: Elder Dragon
  • Reward Money: 18,000 z
  • Hunting Quest Description: “The Nergigante has eyed us from the far side of the Elder Crossing, but now we have a lead on its whereabouts. If we can study it, it may reveal the Crossing’s true nature.”

Key Tracks:

  • Splintered Thorns
  • Footprints

Elemental Weaknesses:

  • Thunder: 3⭐
  • Dragon: 2⭐

Breakable/Severable Weak Points:

  • Horns (weak point)
  • Head (weak point)
  • Front Legs (weak point)
  • Tail

Carves & Rewards:

  • Dragonscale: 5⭐
  • Carapace: 4⭐
  • Talon: 3⭐
  • Plate: 3⭐
  • Horn+: 2⭐
  • Gem: Rare drop (Carapace, Dragonscale, Plate, Talon)

General Characteristics:

Nergigante is a formidable Elder Dragon that appears when other Elder Dragons are nearby. Known for its destructive power, it will relentlessly attack and regenerate its wounds, making it a dangerous and unpredictable foe. If you don’t strike fast, its body parts will grow harder and more resilient over time.

Nergigante Fight Mechanics & Tips

The fight with Nergigante is challenging but can be overcome with the right strategy. Here are the main mechanics and tips to survive and defeat this deadly Elder Dragon.

1. Roar & Spikes
Nergigante’s roar can briefly stun you, disrupting your actions. Be ready to recover quickly, especially in the early game when your armor doesn’t provide many roar resistance perks.
Additionally, Nergigante is covered in deadly spikes that regenerate during the fight. Destroying these spikes will weaken its attacks, but they’ll come back stronger if you don’t act fast.

2. Nergigante’s Attacks
Here’s a breakdown of its primary moves and how to deal with them:

  • Charge: Nergigante charges towards you, causing significant damage. Dodge out of the way to avoid getting caught.
  • Charge Smash: After charging, Nergigante smashes its head into the ground, followed by a spike throw. Stay alert and dodge to the side.
  • Slow Smash: When rearing up, it slams down hard. This can be avoided by rolling to the side as soon as you see the wind-up.
  • Shoulder Charge: Nergigante lowers its shoulder and charges directly at you. Always stay close enough to retaliate after it finishes.
  • Side Shoulder Charge: When you’re on its sides, Nergigante will perform a lateral shoulder charge. Keep your distance and be prepared to dodge quickly.
  • Jump Smash: This devastating move sees Nergigante leaping and smashing down on your location. Pay attention to its body language and be ready to dodge at the last second.
  • Tail Smash: If you’re behind it, Nergigante will swing its tail multiple times. Move in front to avoid this deadly attack.
  • Flying Smash of Death: Nergigante flies into the air and crashes down, shedding spikes. This move can easily one-shot you, so always be ready to dodge when you hear it roar and see it ascend.

Tactical Tips for Success

Nergigante’s speed and aggressive nature make it a tough adversary. Here’s how you can maximize your chances of success:

  • Eat for Buffs: Always eat at the Canteen before the fight to boost your health and stamina. The Defense Up and Attack Up meals are essential.
  • Prepare Defensive Items: Bring Adamant Seeds and Armorskin to boost your defense. Having a high defense value can make all the difference in surviving longer during this fight.
  • Boost Your Damage: Use Demondrug and Might Pill to enhance your attack power. Nergigante can regenerate quickly, so you’ll want to deal as much damage as possible while its body parts are vulnerable.
  • Exploit Elemental Weakness: Nergigante is weak to Thunder damage. Equip your best Thunder-element weapon or bring Thunderbugs to amplify your damage against it.
  • Stay Mobile: Nergigante’s attacks come fast and hard, so staying mobile is key. Get in a few hits and dodge back quickly to reset the distance. Always stay on alert when it starts to fly, as it can execute its deadly Flying Smash of Death.
  • SOS Flares: Don’t hesitate to call for backup by sending out an SOS flare. The MHW community is full of experienced hunters who can help you bring Nergigante down faster.

Nergigante α+β Set (Rarity 8)

Nergigante Armor Set: Gear Up for the Battle

Nergigante’s armor set is a coveted choice for many hunters. Here’s what you need to craft the Nergigante α+β Armor Set:

Armor Requirements:

  • Helm: 2x Horn+, 6x Carapace, 4x Immortal Dragonscale, 1x Nergigante Gem
  • Mail: 4x Carapace, 4x Immortal Dragonscale, 2x Talon, 3x Elder Dragon Bone
  • Vambraces: 4x Carapace, 1x Horn+, 2x Tail, 1x Firecell Stone
  • Coil: 4x Carapace, 4x Immortal Dragonscale, 4x Regrowth Plate, 1x Novacrystal
  • Greaves: 4x Carapace, 4x Immortal Dragonscale, 2x Regrowth Plate, 2x Elder Dragon Blood

Set Bonus:

  • 3 Pieces: Nergigante Hunter (Hasten Recovery) — Health regeneration occurs as you continue attacking monsters. The recovery speed depends on the weapon you’re using.

Nergigante Palico Gear

Image of the Nergigante Set Palico.
The Nergigante Set Palico
  • Hammer: 1x Regrowth Plate
  • Helm: 1x Horn+
  • Mail: 1x Carapace

That wraps up our Nergigante guide! With the right strategy, gear, and awareness, you can take down this relentless Elder Dragon. If you’re looking for more challenges, check out our Azure Rathalos guide for tips on defeating another formidable monster in Monster Hunter: World. Good luck, and happy hunting!

Thoughts on our Nergigante guide? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

1 response

  1. J. says:

    Nice guide! I’m still looking for what type of damage he deals though, physical or dragon.. The search continues!

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