Mothlight Guide

The Dreg Mines

The Dreg Mines Guide

Inside The Dreg Mines, we will come across a new enemy, the Gluttonous Dreg. These pugg like enemies aren’t terribly powerful, but they can poison you. Poison acts similar to other RPGs in that it damages you over time. If you don’t cure the poison, it damages you outside of battle as well. To heal poison, you need to use Moth Dust. Lucky for us, Most Dust drops every time you beat a Gluttonous Dreg.

Red Haired Girl

Inside the first room in The Dreg Mines, you will see a Gluttonous Dreg. You can fight it or ignore it. Heading up takes you to a room with Red Haired Girl. She will tell you to bring her Dreg Herb and she will help you out. Talk to the slug creature to learn some lore and to access the Ability Pug Party Scroll. Once done here, return to the first room. Head to the right.

Mothlight Walkthrough

Inside the next room is a hallway. Here you can talk to the large Gluttonous Dreg and fight the small Gluttonous Dreg  (2 x Enemy Battle). Besides that, there isn’t much else of interest in here. Continue heading to the right.

In the next room, you will see some tracks and levers. Pull the first lever and send the minecart to the dynamite. Make your way over to the cart in the upper corner and interact with the dynamite and then the switch. This sends the cart off screen where it blows up. Heading lower takes you to a room with Conubath, Apostle of the Deep Ones (lore). Heading to the right takes you deeper into The Dreg Mines.

Once you’ve cleared the minecart room, make your way into the next room. Here you will find two Gluttonous Dregs. Defeat both enemies and decide whether you want to go up or right. Up takes you to a room in which you will find the Dreg Herb. Taking it to the Red Haired Girl improves your Rage. Heading to the right, takes us to The Dreg Mine boss: Pug – Lug.

Boss: Pug – Lug

Pug – Lug is a pug in a hole. This hole is actually an entrance to the next area. In order to pass through the entrance, we need to defeat Pug – Lug. When ready, challenge Pug – Lug to a fight. Pug – Lug like Alex, is a pretty easy fight as the boss has low HP. Make sure you have enough healing on you and this fight becomes simple. Defeating Pug – Lug nets you 15 Coins and Dregs of Pug – Lug. We also learn, after defeating Pug – Lug, that it is a simple blacksmith. Pug – Lug will open up shop westward. With Pug – Lug out of the way, make your way into the next area, The Porcelain Shrine.

Pug – Lug Note: Once Pug – Lug returns to his shop, he can be found in the same room as the Red Haired Girl. He will tell you he needs ore before he can open for business. An associate of his has it to the East. He’s talking about the big Pug you found in The Dreg Mines. With the ore returned, Pug – Lug will sell you various items, including armor and new weapons.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

12 responses

  1. grimm says:

    Where is the are where Lucien was originally fought? idk where to go

  2. Katie Louise says:

    For me the other glowing dot isn’t there, what do I do now?

    I’ve defeated everything in moth city, in the ladder section rtf?

  3. Katie says:

    I seem to be in an area you haven’t explained here. It is called Augus and appears to be a small town. I can’t get out. Help?

  4. Rsun2013 says:

    How do you defeat the Feral Dragon?

  5. Ashe says:

    y’all he had about 51 hp wow

  6. olea says:

    i get no exp from fights, and im now at the fight with idris but im still on lvl 1 and have a max of 10 health, is this normal??

  7. Juliette says:

    But, for the begs mine, how do you activate the lever? I don’t understand, I can’t move forward!
    Can anybody help me?

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