Luigi’s Mansion 3: Used the Strobulb on all Strobe Flowers in the Garden Suites

In the Garden Suites there is an achievement for players to complete that is completed by using your Strobulb on 17 Strobe Flowers. Use the Used the Strobulb on all Strobe Flowers in the Garden Suites guide below to complete this achievement for yourself.
Blooming Suite Strobe Flowers (7)
In the first room of the Garden Suites, the Blooming Suite there are a total of seven Strobe Flowers. Six of the flowers can be found on the floor while one can be found on top of the bed. Send Gooigi through the pipe in the nightstand to reach the seventh flower.
Ivy Bathroom Strobe Flowers (2)

Inside the Ivy Bathroom send Gooigi down through the drain in the floor. Have him use his flashlight on the two Strobe Flowers in the lower portion of the room.
Atrium Strobe Flowers (4)

The next four Strobe Flowers can be found in the Atrium between the Ivy Bathroom and the Mushroom Suite. There are three clustered on the left side of the Atrium that you can access via a vine. The other Strobe Flower is located next to a vine gap (pretty hard to miss as you are going up).
Mushroom Suite Strobe Flowers (5)
Make your way to the Mushroom Suite. Cross over the bed and go into the lower portion of the room. In this lower portion of the room there are four Strobe Flowers you need to hit with your flashlight. To get the other Strobe Flower make your way to the top of the Mushroom Suite and you will find it next to the exit.
When you collect all 18 Strobe Flowers the Used the Strobulb on all Strobe Flowers in the Garden Suites achievement will pop. This achievement is floor specific. Check out other floor specific achievements here.