Luigi’s Mansion 3: Boo Locations Guide

In Luigi’s Mansion 3 Boos make an appearance after you complete 2F the Mezzanine. Once this area is complete E.Gadd tells you Boos can now be found throughout the hotel. To help you find and collect them all, use the Boo Locations guide below.
Note: Guide is updating.
How to Catch a Boo?
Boos are a bit trickier than other ghosts you face in Luigi’s Mansion 3 since they are quite powerful and must be captured using a certain approach. To capture a Boo you need to use your Dark Light on the Boo to stun them then hit them with your vacuum. Deal enough damage and you will capture the Boo.
Boo Locations
There are a total of 16 Boos for players to find in the hotel. These Boos are hidden in various locations and can be a bit of a pain to find. If you are having troubles finding exact locations of Boos pick up a Boo Finder from E.Gadd’s Shopping Network. Also consult the locations below to help you narrow down exact locations.
Location: Main Tank, B2.
Inside the Main Tank area of B2 you will find ComBooster. Interact with the item that causes the most vibration. When you interact with the item this Boo will appear.
Boosement Location
Location: Laundry Room, B1.
Boosement is the first Boo you will encounter in Luigi’s Mansion 3. Interact with the item that causes the most vibration. When you interact with the item this Boo will appear.
GumBoo Location

Location: Lobby, 1F.
In the Lobby interact with the item that has the most vibration to have GumBoo appear. After speaking with GumBoo a fight will ensue.
Booigi Location
Location: Entertainment Room, 2F.
Inside the Entertainment Room on Floor 2 you will find Booigi. Interact with the item that causes the most vibration. When you interact with the item this Boo will appear.
Kung Boo Location
Location: Security Office, 3F.
In the Security Office room where you fought the security ghost boss you will find a Boo called Kung Boo. Interact with the item that causes the most vibration. When you interact with the item this Boo will appear.
Boogie Location

Location: Dressing Room the Concession Stand, 4F
Make your way to the Dressing Room on Floor 4 and head to the Dressing Room next to the stage. Inside the Dressing Room interact with the item that causes the most vibration. When you interact with the item this Boo will appear. .
Boolldog Location
Location: Rooms 508, 5F.
Inside Room 508 you will find the Boolldog. Interact with the item that causes the most vibration. When you interact with the item this Boo will appear.
Boo-At-Arms Location
Location: Coliseum Balcony, 6F.
On Floor 6 make your way to the Coliseum Balcony. Interact with the item that causes the most vibration. When you interact with the item this Boo will appear.
Location: Blooming Suite, 7F.
The Bootanist can be found in the Blooming Suite area of 7F. You want to interact with the item that gives off the most vibration to find it.
Location: Stuio 4, 8F.
You can find the Booducer on floor 8. I found it inside Studio 4. Walk around until you find an interact-able item that gives off the most vibration.
Boones Location
Location: Exhibit Hall, 9F.
On Floor 9 make your way to the Exhibit Hall and you will find a number of covered paintings. Walk to the painting that gives the most reaction in your goo. Pull the covering off the painting to reveal Boones.
Location: Snake Pit, 10F.
On floor 10 you can find AnuBoo. This Boo can be found in the Snake Room inside the pyramid. Interact with the item that gives off the most vibration to find this ghost.
Location: Trainer’s Bedroom, 11F.
You will find the Boofuddler in the Trainer’s Bedroom on floor eleven. Walk around the room and interact with the item that gives off the most vibration to find this ghost.
Location: Beach, 12F.
The Booccaneer Boo can be found on the Beach in floor 12. Walk around the beach until you find an item that gives off strong vibrations. Inside this item you will find the ghost.
Location: Pool, 13F.
You can find the Boodybuilder ghost inside the Pool on floor 13. Walk around the room until your reach an item that gives off strong vibrations. Interact with the item to find the ghost.
Location: Coat Room, 14F.
You can find the Boosician ghost inside the Coat Room on floor 14. Walk around the room until your reach an item that gives off strong vibrations. Interact with the item to find the ghost.
Upon finding all of the Boos listed above you will unlock the Captured all Boos in the hotel achievement. This achievement is one of many in Luigi’s Mansion 3.
So that’s what caused the bats!! Thank you!!
On every floor of The Last Resort Hotel, the boos are hidden inside the container. You have to open the container very carefully because if a wrong container is opened, the boo will appear and summon some bats to attack Luigi. You can know about the right container by paying attention to the controller. When you will get near to the right container the HD rumble will be harder and it will shake faster when Luigi will get near to the boo’s position.
Once Luigi has found the right container, the boo will appear and then a battle will start. You can use Luigi or Gooigi to capture the boo. In order to capture the boo, you will have to use the special dark light device and spin it around. This will reveal the boo’s position. After that, you will have to focus the special dark light device on the boo and reveal its physical form. This will confuse the boo who will stick its tongue out to show confusion. You will have to grab its tongue with Poltergust G-00 and slam it repeatedly on the floor. You will have to repeat it 2 times in order to capture the boo.
The Boos seem to send out bats and then flee randomly. In my playthrough, the laundry Boo stunned me with bats, and then escaped to a neighboring room whereas the 5th floor Boo did not.
Made a comment and then realized that I could actually reply to yours instead. Hope the above hint helps you get it figured out!