Lavasioth Guide: Monster Weakness, Carves & Rewards, Armor Sets – Monster Hunter World

Alongside Dodogama and Uragaan, you will find Lavasioth in the Elder’s Recess. This lava-loving, eel like creature is similar to Jyuratodos in both physiology and fight tactics. To help you complete this fight, use the Lavasioth guide below.
Lavasioth Information
Difficulty: 7⭐
Location: Elder’s Recess (HR Only)
Size: Large
Species: Piscine Wyvern
Weak To:
- Water 3⭐ – 2⭐ when hardened
- Dragon 2⭐ – 0 when hardened
- Ice 2⭐ – 0 when hardened
Breakable/Severable (Weak Points): Tail, Head (weak point), Stomach (weak point), Back
Material (Carves + High Rank Rewards):
Scale+ 5⭐ Carapace 4⭐ Fin+ 4⭐ Famg+ 3⭐ Gem ⭐ |
Carapace 4⭐ Scale+ 4⭐ Fang+ 3⭐ M Hardbone 3⭐ Inferno Sac 3⭐ Fin+ 2⭐ Gem ⭐ |
Reward Money: NA – Optional
Hunting Quest Text: NA – Optional
Characteristics: Lavasioths utilize molten lava as armor. They are extremely aggressive and will attack without prejudice until the threat has been eliminated.
Useful Information: The hardened magma on Lavasioth’s body becomes softer as it swims through the lava. Attack its armor immediately after it surfaces to increase your chances of destroying it before it rehardens.
Lavasioth Fight Guide
Main Fight Mechanics: Heat (Arena) + Fireblight
Heat (Arena): Lavasioth resides in the hot areas of Elder’ Recess. These areas are filled with hot magma which deals damage over time to you. To avoid this, you need to either consume a Cold Drink or wear the Flameproof Mantle.
Fireblight: Lavasioth is a monster that can deal fire element damage. This damage can cause Fireblight, a status effect. When being afflicted with Fireblight, a small flame will appear over the hunter’s health bar (two for Severe), and the red health bar will turn red and begin to decrease. To cure this affliction, simply roll into water once, roll on the ground three times, or consume a Nulberry.
Lavasioth shares similar attacks to Jyuratodus, but puts emphasis on fire elemental damage. This means attacks like spitting, shoot fireballs instead of mud. Here are Lavasioth’s attacks:
- Submerge/Reemerge – Will submerge in lava and then violently reemerge where hunter is standing (can go through solid ground).
- Spit (Fire) – Rears up and spits either a large ball of fire, or number of smaller ones in front of self.
- Spin – Spins vertically in place and can deal damage to the hunter if they get close enough.
- Lunge/Bite – If you get close to the head, the monster can lunge/bite towards you.
- Tailwhip – Can tailwhip which deals damage.
- Swim – Swims quickly around the arena, hitting anyone that gets in the way.
Out of Lava (on foot):
- Charge – Will charge at the hunter.
- Headbash – Can bash head at hunter if nearby.
- Lunge/Bite – If you get close to the head, the monster will lunge/bite towards you.
Fight Tips:
Fighting Lavasioth can be tough and it seems like a fight that is quite the pain for new players. The biggest thing to take into account is the DOT damage the arena deals. Come into the fight prepared for this and you will be fine.
- Eat up – Head into the fight having eaten a meal from the Canteen (do this for every fight to make life easier).
- Drink a Cold Drink – Be sure to drink a cold drink before engaging with Lavasioth.
- Attack Lavasioth When it Emerges – Because Lavasioth gains armor the longer it stays out of lava, be sure to jump on it the moment it emerges.
- Wear the Fireproof Mantle – Wearing the Fireproof Mantle during this fight makes it incredibly easy.
- Exploit Elemental Weakness – As noted above, Lavasioth is especially weak to water elemental damage.
- SOS – If you need to, send out an SOS and get some extra help from the MHW community
Note: share your tips in the comments and I will add them here.
Lavasioth α+β Set (Rarity 6)
- The Lavasioth α Set on a female hunter.
- The Lavasioth β Set on a female hunter.
Armor Requirements:
Human: All Materials are Lavasioth Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Helm – 4x Scale+, 2x Carapace, 2x Fin+, 6x Monster Hardbone
- Mail – 4x Carapace, 2x Fin+, 6x Scale+, 5x Fucium Ore
- Vambraces – 4x Carapace, 4x Fang+, 6x Scale+, 6x Gaju Scale
- Coil – 4x Scale+, 2x Carapace, 2x Fang+, 4x Grand Gaju Whisker
- Greaves – 6x Carapace, 2x Fang+, 4x Fin+, 1x Firecell Stone
Palico: All Materials are Lavasioth Carves/Drops unless noted.
- Mace – 1x Fang+
- Helm – 1x Fin+
- Mail – 1x Scale+
More: Monster Hunter: World monster guides