How to Unlock the Psychiatrist Boss in Katana ZERO

In Katana ZERO there are a number of bosses you will fight. Each of these bosses is found in the game’s many levels, but one boss is hidden. The Psychiatrist you speak to so often in the game is hiding a dark secret. Below I will show you how to unlock the psychiatrist boss in Katana ZERO.
Note: You do not need to start a new game to complete this. It can be done even if you’ve beaten the game before. Simply go back to the levels and complete the event flags listed below.
Step 1: Hang Up in Factory & Ask for Medicine

To start you are going to want to playthrough the Factory level. At the very start of the mission you will get a phone call in a hallway. Continue to hang up until you’ve exhausted the interaction (this unlocks the Don’t Hang Up! achievement). Eventually you need to answer the phone with hello.
After the mission you will have a psychiatrist session, interrupt the psychiatrist and ask for medicine until he gives it to you.
Step 2: Anger the Receptionist & Ask for Medicine

After you’ve completed step 1, make your way to level 2 (hotel) and anger the Receptionist by repeatedly interrupting her. Once you’ve made her angry (red faced) complete the mission. This results in her dying which displeases your employer and the psychiatrist.
After the mission you will have a psychiatrist session, interrupt the psychiatrist and ask for medicine until he gives it to you.
Step 3: Speak to DJ About Drugs

Having completed steps 1 and 2, make your way to Club Neon (level 3). During this mission you should hang up the phone call right before the DJ booth and then speak with the DJ regarding the drug he used. If you keep talking with the DJ he will get shot. Complete the level.
Step 4: Refuse Medicine

After you’ve spoken with the DJ there is another psychotherapy session. During this session you need to refuse your medicine. To do this simply choose the dialogue about the drug. Eventually you will be able to refuse the drug and the psychiatrist will tell you to get out of his office. You will notice the dossier for you next mission has changed with instructions being to kill.
Step 5: Kill all Police Officers During Prison Level

Playthrough the prison level and kill every police officer. This results in you directly disobeying your orders which the psychiatrist doesn’t like.
Step 6: Tell Psychiatrist F*CK YOU During Chinatown Session

After you’ve done all the steps above, make your way to the Chinatown mission and start the session with the psychiatrist. Tell him “F*CK YOU” when the option presents itself.
Optional: See If it Worked

If you’ve done all the steps up to this point, you can see if you’re on the way to the hidden boss by going to the psychiatrist session in Bunker. During this session the psychiatrist will tell you something different. He will say, “I’m almost disappointed that you’re still alive, after what you’ve put me through.” If get this dialogue it means you will have unlocked the boss fight.
Step 7: Trigger the Psychiatrist Boss Fight

Having done everything on this list, you will have the boss fight unlocked. To access the fight, go to the final psychiatrist session in Bunker PT2.
During this interaction you can get two possible outcomes. The outcome we will get is a boss fight. When you walk towards the psychiatrist he will say, “…you’re making a very big mistake.” The boss fight will then commence. Good luck!
Yea, this writer is straight trash.
Thanks for the spoiler right in the title
I appreciate it being direct instead of being around the bush, you can’t here presumably because you searched for it, so it’s refreshing to have it immediately spelled out, instead of a page and a half of bullshit before the information.
The problem isn’t that it’s direct, it’s that it spoils what the secret boss is in the title
Oh come on, big deal, it’s not like it’s some massive spoiler or huge secret..he’s antagonistic to you the entire game, finding out he’s a boss isn’t remotely going to affect your enjoyment or any plot points
Spoiler police have just gotten so out of control these days, like saying the main character uses a katana is a spoiler
Spoilers are snape killed dumbledore, or vader is luke’s dad, massive reveals that are pivotal moments in the damn story, not minor details you’d discover 20 minutes into the game
this is an article about the secret boss. the title needs to be what pops up when someone searches “how to beat the psychiatrist secret boss katana zero”. do you think they should title it- “how to unlock this thing in katana zero that i cant talk about.” while the article says- “so basically, every step is a spoiler, so i cant really get into details. figure it out yourself.”?
i love cheeseburger
this guy gets it