How to Unlock the Arcade Pro Outfit (Week 2 Live Event) – Far Cry 5

how to unlock the Arcade Pro outfit

We are into week 2 of the Far Cry 5 Live Events, and this week sees us spending some time in the Arcade mode. Up for grabs this week is a Vector. 45 ACP “4 Color Fun” and the Arcade Pro outfit. Below I will let you know how to unlock the Arcade Pro outfit in Far Cry 5 (it’s super easy).

View the Arcade Dawn Live Event

Before we dive into the actual event, we need to know what needs to be completed this week. To check out the weekly event, simply pause the game and select the bottom card with the event titled “Arcade Dawn“. Select the card and you will be shown the above screen. Here we see what we need to do and what the community needs to do to unlock the items this week. To unlock the Arcade Pro outfit, the community needs to play for 30000 minutes total.

Play Far Cry 5’s Arcade Mode

As you can see, week 2’s event is pretty simple. To unlock both items, you simply need to play Far Cry 5’s arcade mode. To access this mode, you can select the option from the start menu or interact with Arcade posters in Hope County during singleplayer. Inside the Arcade mode you will be given the option of playing solo or co-op. Choose whatever you want and play for 40 minutes. This will unlock both the Vector. 45 ACP “4 Color Fun”. Once this is complete, simply wait for the community to beat the goal (seems bugged at the moment), to unlock the Arcade Pro Outfit.

How to Access the Arcade Pro Outfit

Once you’ve unlocked the Arcade Pro outfit you can find it in the Character Customization tab of the menu. Head here and access the Outfits section. Scroll to the bottom very bottom and you will find the Arcade Pro Player outfit.  Equip it if you so desire.

More: How to unlock the Omega outfit.

More: How to unlock the Militia outfit.

Thoughts on this how to unlock the Arcade Pro outfit guide for Far Cry 5? Let us hear them in The Pit below.


A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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