How to Get the Tardigrade Armor System Exotic Chest Piece in The Division 2

The Tardigrade Armor System exotic chest piece.

The Warlords of New York expansion brings players back to New York City with a host of exciting additions, including powerful new exotic items. One of the highlights is the Tardigrade Armor System, an exotic chest piece that emphasizes team support and armor bonuses. Here’s how you can add this incredible item to your collection.

How to Get the Tardigrade Armor System

The Tardigrade Armor System drops from True Sons bosses. These enemies appear in missions and open-world activities in Washington D.C. and New York. Some reliable locations for farming True Sons bosses include the Federal Triangle, East Mall, and Southwest areas in D.C.

Drop rates for this chest piece depend on the difficulty level:

  • Normal/Hard: ~1% chance
  • Challenging: ~3% chance
  • Heroic: ~5% chance
  • Legendary: ~7% chance

To maximize your chances, tackle missions or activities on Heroic or Legendary difficulty, as higher difficulties yield better drop rates.

Additionally, farming open-world True Sons Control Points and bounties offers opportunities to encounter True Sons bosses. Make sure to gear up and optimize your build for sustained combat to improve your farming efficiency.

Tardigrade Armor System Exotic Talent

The Tardigrade Armor System offers an incredible team-focused talent:

Ablative Nano-Plating

  • When your armor breaks, you and all allies gain 80% of your armor as bonus armor for 10 seconds.

This makes it invaluable for co-op players and builds that thrive on tanking damage for their team. The chest piece’s ability to provide emergency armor makes it perfect for tight situations in high-difficulty content like Raids or Legendary Missions.

Tips for Farming the Tardigrade Armor System

  1. Focus on True Sons Activities: Complete missions and control points in True Sons territories.
  2. Play on Higher Difficulties: The higher the difficulty, the better the drop chance. Heroic or Legendary missions are recommended.
  3. Utilize Targeted Loot Areas: Check the in-game map for areas that feature Targeted Loot for chest pieces, as these further improve your odds.
  4. Farm with a Group: Playing with others allows you to clear missions faster and increases your team’s chances of obtaining loot.

What do you think of the Tardigrade Armor System exotic chest piece? Is this an item you’re farming for? Let us know in the comments, and share any tips you’ve discovered during your grind. Good luck, Agent!

If you’re looking to expand your collection of exotic gear in The Division 2: Warlords of New York, don’t miss out on other powerful items like the Ninjabike Messenger Kneepads, the Acosta’s Go-Bag, the Imperial Dynasty Holster, and find all the Named Enemies of New York.

Thoughts on our how to get the Tardigrade Armor System Exotic chest piece in The Division 2 guide? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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