How to Change Dunks and Layups in NBA 2K20

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In NBA 2K20 your MyPLAYER has a number of customizable options you can change to give them more of an identity. Some of these customization options range from the useful (shooting animation), to the more fun in nature (emotes). One customization options you can make that impacts your play style is changing your MyPLAYER’s Dunks and Layups. Below you will find how to change Dunks and Layups in NBA 2K20.

Access The MyPLAYER Animations Menu

Iamge showing how to access The MyPLAYER animations menu.

To access your animations you need to first access the MyPLAYER Appearance tab from the options screen. From here select the My Animations menu from the navigation screen. Select this option to be taken to a new screen with a slew of animation options you can change.

Change Your Dunks and Layups on the My Animations Screen

Note: When you first try to change your Dunks and Layups, you will have nothing in your inventory. To change your Dunks and Layups you need to purchase them from the Animations Store. The store can be found to the right of the My Animations tab on the MyPLAYER screen.

On the My Animations screen you will be greeted by a number of options. You will find Dunks and Layups is the third/fourth option on the screen and it is what we want to change. You can change both your NBA assigned Dunks and Layups as well as your Park Dunks and Layups. To change your Dunks and Layups, select the type you want to change and set a new move. Once you’ve activated new moves you can then use these moves during NBA games and in the Park.

Thoughts on how to change Dunks and Layups in NBA 2K20? Drop them in The Pit below.


A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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