How to Access Spider-Man DLC Items

Spider-Man DLC items.

The newest Marvel title, Spider-Man, is finally out! That means it’s time to swing through the city and take down bad guys. If you preordered the game, you’re probably wondering how to access your bonus DLC items.

Below, we’ll walk you through everything you need to do to unlock your preorder suits, gadgets, extra skill points, and story DLC.

How to Unlock Your Preorder DLC Items

Before you can access any preorder bonuses, you must complete the first few main missions. Follow these steps:

  1. Complete “The Main Event” – This is the Fisk Tower tutorial mission.
  2. Complete “My OTHER Other Job” – This mission introduces you to the game’s open-world activities.
  3. Complete “Keeping the Peace” – A mission from Capt. Watanabe that further progresses the story.
  4. Complete “Something Old, Something New” – This unlocks the ability to change suits, giving you access to your preorder outfits.

Once all four missions are complete, your preorder DLC will be available.

Where Are the Spidey Suit Pack DLC Items?

Both the Deluxe and Standard editions of Spider-Man include the Spidey Suit Pack as a preorder bonus. This pack contains three unique suits, each with a special Suit Power:

  • Velocity Suit – Unlocks Blitz, increasing sprint speed and improving enemy knockdowns.
  • Spider-Punk – Unlocks Rock Out, which blasts enemies with sound waves.
  • Iron Spider Suit – Unlocks Iron Arms, granting four articulated mechanical arms.

How to Equip Your DLC Suits

Velocity Suit.
Velocity Suit is one of three preorder suits you will receive.

Once you’ve completed the “Something Old, Something New” mission, a new Suits tab appears in the menu. To change suits:

  1. Open the Suits tab in the pause menu.
  2. Select the suit you want.
  3. Equip it to gain its unique Suit Power.

How to Get the Spider-Drone Gadget

Spider-Drone Gadget.
The Spider-Drone Gadget is craftable at level 8.

The Spider-Drone Gadget is craftable once you reach Level 8 and requires the following resources:

  • 1 Base Token
  • 3 Research Tokens

How to Unlock Gadget Crafting

  • Start the Fisk Hideout mission to unlock the Gadgets tab in the menu.
  • Navigate to the Gadgets tab and craft the Spider-Drone once you have the required materials.

How to Use the 5 Extra Skill Points

5 extra skill points.
When you access the Skills menu for the first time in Spider-Man you will receive your five bonus Skill Points.

Preordering the game grants you 5 bonus Skill Points, which you can spend to upgrade Spider-Man’s abilities.

How to Unlock the Skill Menu

  • Complete the first tutorial mission, “The Main Event.”
  • This unlocks the Skills tab in the menu.
  • You will receive one Skill Point for finishing the mission, plus your five bonus Skill Points.

Spend Skill Points

  • Open the Skills tab in the menu.
  • Choose a skill from one of three categories: Innovator, Defender, or Webslinger.
  • Hold X to purchase a skill.

How to Access the Spider-Man Story DLCs

The expansion pack for Spider-Man is called The City That Never Sleeps and consists of three episodes:

How to Start the DLC

  • Navigate to the DLC menu on the main start screen.
  • Select the episode you want to play.

If you’re looking to unlock even more suits in Spider-Man, don’t miss the exclusive ESU Suit! This outfit is a reward for completing a special set of in-game objectives. Check out our Spider-Man ESU Suit unlock guide to learn exactly how to get it and add another stylish look to your collection!

Thoughts on my how to access Spider-Man DLC items post? Let me hear them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

23 responses

  1. Spider Man gamer says:

    I put in the code after doing all the main missions and downloaded the code in the redeem code area and installed the dlc I went into the game and went to dlc and pressed on the heist and it put me in the PlayStation store and said I need to buy it PLS HELP !

  2. Tommy says:

    I completed the 4 missions but I bought the digital deluxe not on a preorder from the PlayStation store and downloaded it. However I don’t have the suits what do I do

  3. Joanne Graham says:

    Help all! I preordered the deluxe Spiderman ps4 game from for my sons birthday next week. The game arrived fine but today I got an email advising speedygifts supplier cannot provide DLC codes. Knowing nothing about gaming, is the game now unuseable? Should I return it and buy it somewhere else? Will my son be disappointed if there’s no code? Please help – any advice welcomed!

    • Logan Moman says:

      Game will work but it wont have any added content and considering you sent as posted on the psn is 99.99 I would totally get for your money back and just buy the digital deluxe online.

  4. Tyler says:

    I pre-ordered the Deluxe Version and just 100% the game but I still don’t have access to the bonus missions that come with it. Anyone have any ideas?

    • Terence says:

      The bonus game isn’t out yet, there will be 3 bonus games, one comes out in 23rd October and the other one Novemeber and the last one December. (Date of nov and dec aren’t released yet) When the bonus game is released you can see it on the main menu

  5. Gregorynf says:

    I bought the digital deluxe version of the game at GameStop and there were two different codes Ihad to input. One was for the game itself. One was for the extra bonus preorder content and I realized that only after I had played through the game and inuouted the bonus content code while in the middle of the game. I haven’t played since but next time I start up the game I’ll check to see if my content was added. As of now the preorder avatar for the ps profile worked so the rest should have worked as well. I’ll try and keep things updated.

  6. BHL says:

    When you originally pre-ordered the game (from wherever) that promised you the DLC, you would have received a code. — if you ordered online, then you probably got an email in the last day or so, just before release. (If you didnt, check your junk or spam folders) — Regardless how you got it, you need that DLC code.
    Input that code in the Playstation store “Redeem Codes” section (either on your PS4 or on the website). This will download the DLC items and unlock the items in the game.

    • bob says:

      im also having that problem i just downloaded the dlc from the ps store and i still can’t acess the suits and didn’t revive my points, anyone suggestions?

  7. Sin nombre says:

    Input the codes in ps store redeem section.

  8. ryan says:

    Great game. Just beat first Fisk construction site still don’t have access to the dlc items from my pre order digital deluxe

  9. Adrain Loomis says:

    I pre-ordered the digital deluxe version at Gamestop on the sixth and then I didn’t download it till this morning on the seventh and I don’t have my five skill points or all the suits that came with it and I’ve done like six or seven missions already and I don’t have any of that stuff and I also don’t have the little gadget spider either that I was supposed to get also, I don’t know what I need to do from here… My version also is supposed to come with the season pass so hopefully I got that too which I don’t know if I do

  10. Tayor says:

    Still not able to access my pre order bonuses. I bought the game at Gamestop and can’t find where I put the code in. Any help would be hugely appreciated!

  11. enricofairme says:

    What does everyone think of Spider-Man so far?

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