Honkai Star Rail The Setting Sun is the Most Beautiful Day 2

In Honkai Star Rail there are daily missions that players can complete each day to earn Credits. These daily missions come from a variety of NPCs in the game. One NPC that can give you a daily mission is Esther on the Herta Space Station. Esther is a researcher that sends you on a daily mission called The Setting Sun is the Most Beautiful which features multiple parts. To complete this daily mission, see our Honkai Star Rail The Setting Sun is the Most Beautiful day 2 guide below.
Where to Start The Setting Sun is the Most Beautiful Day 2
When the daily mission The Setting Sun is the Most Beautiful is active you will need to speak to Esther to start it. Esther is located on the Herta Space Station in the Master Control Zone. Esther is standing on the west side of the space station on the balcony next to a plant. Go up to Esther and speak to her to begin the daily mission (when available).
Ask Around About Their Opinion on Glasses
When you speak to Esther on day 2 she tells you that she didn’t end up dying her hair. She then takes about contact lenses and whether or not they are in fashion these days. To help Esther out you need to ask around about their opinion on glasses.
To ask around about their opinion on glasses, you need to speak to characters on the Herta Space Station. The people you need to talk to are located in the research area northeast of Esther. Go there and speak to the Fashionable Researcher about contact lenses. Doing this triggers the next objective.
Compile the Opinions and Report To Esther
After you’ve spoken to the Fashionable Researcher go back to Esther and speak to her. Tell her what the researcher told you regarding contact lenses. Choose whichever option you’d like and then she will thank you for helping her out and the quest ends.
For completing this mission you receive 5,000 Credits. By advancing the The Setting Sun is the Most Beautiful questline, you also gain the ability to immediately complete any additional parts that may be added in the future.
The Setting Sun is the Most Beautiful mission is not the only daily side mission players can complete in the game. There are other daily missions to complete including On the Doorsteps of Science and Operation Mole. See those guides for details.
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