High Rank Armor List: Alpha and Beta Sets – Monster Hunter World

Image of the Zorah α set, a high rank armor set in Monster Hunter: World
The Zorah α set on a female hunter.

Once you’ve completed the Zorah Magdaros questline (ends after A Colossal Task), you will gain access to High Rank expeditions and quests to complete. These activities pit you against tougher monsters which means better loot. This better loot can be used to craft high tier weapons and armor sets. These new additions can be found at the Smithy, where they appear under the new High Rank tab. Below you will find our High Rank armor list which is basically all end game armor. Note: β pieces have Decorations Slots and different visual appearance.

Leather α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Leather α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Gathered/Farmed unless noted.

  • Headgear – 3x Carbalite Ore, 1x High-quality Pelt
  • Mail – 2x Carbalite Ore, 1x High-quality Pelt
  • Gloves – 2x Carbalite Ore, 1x High-quality Pelt
  • Belt – 2x Carbalite Ore, 1x High-quality Pelt
  • Trousers – 2x Carbalite Ore, 1x High-quality Pelt

Chainmail α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Chainmail α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Gathered unless noted.

  • Headgear – 3x Carbalite Ore. 2x Dragonite Ore
  • Armor – 2x Carbalite Ore. 2x Dragonite Ore
  • Gloves – 2x Carbalite Ore. 2x Dragonite Ore
  • Belt – 2x Carbalite Ore. 2x Dragonite Ore
  • Trousers – 2x Carbalite Ore. 2x Dragonite Ore

Hunter’s α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Hunter’s α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Gathered/Farmed unless noted.

  • Headgear – 3x Jagras Hide+, 4x Jagrase Scale+
  • Mail – 3x Jagras Hide+, 4x Quality Bone
  • Vambraces – 2x Jagras Hide+, 4x Jagrase Scale+
  • Coil – 2x Jagras Hide+, 3x Quality Bone
  • Greaves – 2x Jagras Hide+, 3x Quality Bone

Bone α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Bone α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Gathered unless noted.

  • Helm – 3x Quality Bone, 2x Monster Bone+, 2x Warped Bone
  • Mail – 2x Quality Bone, 2x Monster Bone+, 3x Monster Bone L
  • Vambraces – 3x Quality Bone, 2x Monster Bone+, 2x Coral Bone
  • Coil – 2x Quality Bone, 2x Monster Bone+, 3x Ancient Bone
  • Greaves – 2x Quality Bone, 2x Monster Bone+, 3x Boulder Bone

Alloy α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Alloy α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Gathered unless noted.

  • Helm – 3x Carbalite Ore, 6x Dragonite Ore, 3x Dragonvein Crystal, 5x Machalite Ore
  • Mail – 2x Carbalite Ore, 4x Dragonite Ore, 4x Coral Crystal, 5x Machalite Ore
  • Vambraces – 2x Carbalite Ore, 4x Dragonite Ore, 4x Earth Crystal, 5x Machalite Ore
  • Coil – 3x Carbalite Ore, 6x Dragonite Ore, 3x Dragonvein Crystal, 5x Machalite Ore
  • Greaves – 2x Carbalite Ore, 4x Dragonite Ore, 1x Lightcrystal, 5x Machalite Ore

Butterfly α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Butterfly α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Gathered/Farmed unless noted.

  • Vertex – 1x Great Hornfly, 2x Carbalite Ore, 2x Monster Broth, 3x Inferno Sac
  • Thorax – 1x Great Hornfly, 2x Dragonvein Crystal, 3x Hornetaur Carapace, 2x Toxin Sac
  • Brachia – 1x Great Hornfly, 2x Dragonvein Crystal, 2x Monster Broth, 2x Torrent Sac
  • Elytra – 1x Great Hornfly, 2x Dragonvein Crystal, 3x Vespoid Carapace, 2x Thunder Sac
  • Crura – 1x Great Hornfly, 2x Carbalite Ore, 2x Monster Broth, 2x Omniplegia Sac

Vespoid α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Vespoid α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Vespoid Materials unless noted.

  • Helm – 3x Vespoid Carapace, 2x Vespoid Innerwing, 2x Monster Keenbone
  • Mail – 3x Vespoid Carapace, 2x Vespoid Innerwing, 2x Monster Keenbone
  • Vambraces – 4x Vespoid Carapace, 2x Vespoid Innerwing, 3x Monster Broth, 2x Omniplegia Sac
  • Coil – 3x Vespoid Carapace, 2x Vespoid Innerwing, 2x Monster Keenbone
  • Greaves – 4x Vespoid Carapace, 2x Vespoid Innerwing, 3x Monster Broth, 2x Omniplegia Sac

Hornetaur α+β (Rarity 5)

Hornetaur α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Hornetaur Materials unless noted.

  • Helm – 3x Hornetaur Carapace, 2x Hornetaur Innerwing, 2x Monster Broth
  • Mail – 4x Hornetaur Carapace, 2x Hornetaur Innerwing, 1x Hornetaur Head, 1x Lightcrystal
  • Vambraces – 3x Hornetaur Carapace, 2x Hornetaur Innerwing, 2x Monster Broth
  • Coil – 3x Hornetaur Carapace, 2x Hornetaur Innerwing, 2x Monster Broth
  • Greaves – 4x Hornetaur Carapace, 2x Hornetaur Innerwing, 1x Hornetaur Head, 1x Novacrystal

Jagras α+β (Rarity 5)

Jagras α+β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Great Jagras Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Helmet – 4x Hide+, 2x Mane, 4x Claw+, 2x Piercing Claw
  • Mail – 2x Hide+, 4x Claw+, 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+
  • Vambraces – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 3x Monster Bone+*, 1x Jargas Hide+*
  • Coil – 3x Hide+, 3x Mane, 4x Scale+, 3x Jagras Scale+*
  • Greaves – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 2x Mane, 2x Jagras Scale+*

Kulu α+β Set (Rarity 5)

Kulu α+β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Kulu-Ya-Ku Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Headpiece – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 2x Plume+
  • Mail – 4x Hide+, 3x Plume+, 2x Beak+, 1x Bird Wyvern Gem
  • Vambraces – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 3x Carbalite Ore
  • Coil – 4x Hide+, 2x Beak+, 3x Wingdrake Hide+, 2x Earth Crystal
  • Greaves – 4x Hide+, 6x Scale+, 2x Wingdrake Hide+, 2x Earth Crystal

Tzitzi α+β Set (Rarity 5)

Tzitzi α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Tzitzi-Ya-Ku Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Headgear – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 2x Potophore+, 5x Coral Crystal*
  • Mail – 4x Hide+, 4x Claw+, 3x Photophore+, 1x Bird Wyvern Gem*
  • Vambraces – 4x Hide+, 2x Photophore+, 4x Scale+, 2x Dragonvein Crystal*
  • Coil – 2x Hide+, 4x Claw+, 3x Dragonvein Crystal*, 2x Lightcrystal*
  • Greaves – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 2x Claw+, 6x Carbalite Ore*

Girros α+β Set (Rarity 5)

Girros α+β Armor Requirements:

Human: All materials are Great Girros Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Mask -4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 1x Hood+, 4x Girros Scale+*
  • Mail – 4x Hide+, 4x Fang+, 3x Omniplegia Sac, 1x Bird Wyvern Gem
  • Vambraces – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 2x Girros Fang*, 2x Omniplegia Sac
  • Coil – 4x Hide+, 2x Tail, 2x Hood+, 4x Girros Hide*
  • Greaves – 2x Hide+, 4x Fang+, 4x Scale+, 5x Warped Bone*

Pukei α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Pukei α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Gathered/Farmed unless noted.

  • Hood – 2x Carapace, 2x Tail, 3x Wing, 2x Toxin Sac
  • Mail – 4x Scale+, 3x Carapace, 3x Carbalite Ore
  • Vambraces – 4x Scale+, 3x Carapace, 1x Toxin Sac
  • Coil – 4x Carapace, 2x Wing, 2x Sac+, 1x Bird Wyvern Gem
  • Greaves – 2x Carapace, 2x Sac+, 4x Scale+, 2x Monster Keenbone

Barroth α+β Set (Rarity 5)

Barroth α+β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Barroth Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Helm – 3x Ridge+, 2x Tail, 3x Claw+, 4x Kestodon Carapce*
  • Mail – 4x Carapce, 2x Ridge+, 2x Claw+, 5x Quality Bone*
  • Vembraces – 4x Ridge, 2x Scalp, 3x Carapce, 1x Wyvern Gem
  • Coil – 4x Carapace, 3x Ridge+, 4 Monster Bone+*
  • Greaves – 2x Ridge+, 4x Carapace, 4x Fertile Mud, 4x Monster Keenbone*

Anja α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Anja α+β Armor Sets Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Anjanath Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Helmet – 4x Pelt+, 4x Scale+, 2x Tail, 3x Inferno Sac
  • Mail – 6x Pelt+, 4x Fang+, 2x Nosebone+, 1x Anjanath Gem
  • Vambraces – 4x Pelt+, 4x Scale+, 1x Nosebone+, 4x Monster Keenbone*
  • Coil – 4x Scale+, 3x Pelt+, 3x Fang+, 4x Piercing Claw*
  • Greaves – 4x Scale+, 3x Pelt+, 2x Inferno Sac, 5x Carbalite Ore*

Set Bonuses

  • 2 Pieces: Anjanath Will (Adrenaline) – Temporarily reduces stamina depletion when health is at 40% or lower.
  • 4 Pieces: Anjanath Will (Stamina Cap Up) – Increase stamina cap.

Jyura α+β Sets (Rarity 5)

Jyura α+β Armor Sets Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Jyuratodus Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Helm – 4x Scale+, 2x Carapace, 2x Fin+, 6x Gaju Scale*
  • Mail – 4x Scale+, 3x Fin+, 2x Fang+, 2x Torrent Sac
  • Vambraces – 4x Carapace, 3x Fang+, 2x Grand Gajau Whisker*, 3x Monster Keenbone*
  • Coil – 4x Scale+, 2x Carapace, 2x Torrent Sac
  • Greaves – 4x Carapace, 2x Fang+, 2x Fin+, 1x Wyvern Gem*

Kadachi α+β Set (Rarity 5)

Kadachi α+β Armor Set Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Tobi-Kadachi Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Helm – 4x Pelt+, 4x Electrode+, 4x Claw+, 1x Wyvern Gem*
  • Mail – 3x Pelt+, 2x Electrode+, 4x Membrane, 2x Thunder Sac
  • Vambraces – 4x Pelt+, 4x Claw+, 2x Scale+, 4x Monster Keenbone
  • Coil – 4x Scale+, 3x Pelt+, 1x Thunder Sac, 3x Wingdrake Hide+
  • Greaves – 4x Scale+, 2x Membrane, 1x Thunder Sac, 3x High Quality Pelt*

Lumu α +  β Sets (Rarity 5)

Lumu α +  β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Paolumu Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Hat – 4x Scale+, 2x Wing, 2x Pelt+, 2x Lightcrystal*
  • Mail – 2x Scale+, 3x Carapace+, 2x Pelt+, 1x Monster Keenbone
  • Vambraces – 4x Pelt+, 2x Scale+, 2x Wing, 5x Quality Bone*
  • Coil – 4x Pelt+, 2x Scale+, 3x Carapace+, 5x Coral Bone*
  • Greaves – 4x Scale+, 2x Pelt+, 4x Wing 1x Wyvern Gem

Rathian α+β Set (Rarity 5)

Rathian α+β Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Rathian Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Helm -4x Carapace, 4x Scale+, 2x Webbing, 3x Inferno Sac
  • Mail – 4x Scale+, 2x Carapace, 2x Webbing, 6x Quality Bone*
  • Vambraces – 4x Carapace, 4x Scale+, 2x Spike+, 2x Monster Keebone*
  • Coil – 4x Scale+, 2x Carapace, 2x Inferno Sac, 2x Monster Broth
  • Greaves – 6x Carapace, 3x Spike+, 4x Wingtalon, 1x Rathian Ruby

Dodogama α+β Set (Rarity 5)

Armor Requirements:

Human: All Materials are Dodogama Carves/Drops unless noted.

  • Helm – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 1x Jaw, 3x Gastodon Horn*
  • Mail – 4x Hide+, 1x Tail, 3x Jaw, 1x Firecell Stone
  • Vambraces – 4x Hide+, 4x Talon, 4x Scale+, 6x Fucium Ore
  • Coil – 4x Scale+, 2x Hide+, 1x Jaw, 5x Gastodon Carapace*
  • Greaves – 6x Hide+, 2x Tail, 4x Talon, 1x Wyvern Gem

Rarity 5 Equipment Pieces:

Check out the various single piece equipment items you can forge at the Rarity 5 level:

Mossswine Mask α

Image of Mosswine Mask

The Mosswine Mask

  • Mask – 3x Hide, 1x Anjanath Nosebone+, 3x Great Girros Hide+, 1x Novacrystal

Kestodon α + β

Image of Kestodon Guards

The Kestodon Guards piece

  • Guards – 6x Kestodon Carapace, 3x Kestodon Scalp, 3x Quality Bone

Gajua α+β

Image of Gajau Boots

The Gajau Boots equipment piece.

  • Boots – 4x Gajua Scale, 2x Grand Gajua Whisker, 3x Carbalite Ore

Shamos α+β

Image of the Shamos Goggles

These are the high rank Shamos Goggles

  • Goggles – 3x Shamos Hide, 4x Scale+, 3x Dragonvein Crystal

Sealed Eyepatch α

Image of the Sealed Eyepatch

The Sealed Eyepatch.

  • Eyepatch – 2x Black Bandages, 7x Shamos Scale+, Samos Hide+, 4x Piercing Claw

Gastodon α+β

Image of the Gastadon Horn

The Gastadon Horn

  • Gastodon Horn – 3x Gastodon Horn, 4x Gastodon Carapace, 3x Kastodon Carapace, 5x Dragonite Ore

Barnos α+β

Image of the Barnos Jacket

The Barnos Jacket.

  • Barnos Jacket – 4x Barnos Hide+, 2x Barnos Talon, 3x Piercing Claw, 3x Dragonvein Crystal

Rarity 6 sets can be found on the next page.

More: See Low Rank Armor Sets

Let me know what you think of the Rarity 5 sets in The Pit below.


A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

1 response

  1. Albert Navarro says:

    Missing barroth a and b

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