Everything New in Vampire Survivors 1.1.0

There was a surprise tiny update today for Vampire Survivors. This tiny update, called v1.1.0, features a couple of new additions to the popular indie title. As I like to do, I’ve put together a list of all new things in this update. Let’s take a closer look at everything new in Vampire Survivors 1.1.0 below.
New Challenge Stage Tiny Bridge
A new challenge stage is in the game now thanks to update 1.1.0. This challenge map is Tiny Bridge. This stage unlocks by reaching Level 80 during a run of Inverse Gallo Tower. Do this challenge first as you need to have access to Tiny Bridge to unlock the secret character that was added in the update.
The Tiny Bridge stage is an interesting challenge stage because of its design. You are on a very narrow bridge on which you can only go left or right. While you run along the bridge lightning will strike down at you randomly.
New Secret Character Scorej Oni
Gaining access to Tiny Bridge gives you the chance to unlock a new character called Scorej Oni. You unlock Oni on the Tiny Bridge stage. The hint for the unlock is that you need to discover the source of the roaring thunder and defeat a boss. See our unlock guide for more details.
Scorej Oni is an interesting character because of its passive ability. This character gains a hidden Lightning Ring every 8 levels (max 6) that also fires when losing health. This passive makes Oni a prime candidate for high health/defense/regen type tank builds.
New PowerUp Seal
The final new additon in this update is a new PowerUp that players can unlock called Seal. This PowerUp, purchased from the PowerUp screen, allows players to Banish an item from level up choices, or a pickup from light sources. It used in the COLLECTION menu. This means you can shape your runs how you want more granularly. To unlock this PowerUp you need to Banish 10 or more weapons in a single run.
2 New Achievements to Unlock
It’s not an update without the addition of a couple of new achievements to unlock. There are 2 achievements to unlock in update 1.1.0. These achievements are tied to both of the major unlocks mentioned above. They are:
- EXTRA: Tiny Bridge – Reach Level 80 in Inverse Gallo Tower.
- EXTRA: Seal – Banish 10 or more weapons in a single run.
This brings the total amount of unlockable achievements in the game to 142. There will most likely be a lot more added as the developers of the game appear likely to continue updating into the future.
Thoughts on everything new in Vampire Survivors 1.1.0? Drop a comment below.