Everything in the Appreciation Fest – Monster Hunter World

The Gathering Hub during the Appreciation Fest
The Gathering Hub has been decorated for the occasion.

With Monster Hunter World being out for a year now on consoles, Capcom has decided to hold an appreciation festival for fans of the game. Like other festivals, the Appreciation Fest features a number of new unlockables for hunters to collect. To help you collect these items, use our guide to everything in the Appreciation Fest below. The Appreciation Fest runs from January 26 to February 21, 2019

Login Bonus (Two Lucky Vouchers + Appreciation Tickets)

Appreciation Fest MHW Login Bonuses
When you login to MHW during the Appreciation Fest, you receive these login bonuses.

Each day you login during the Appreciation Fest in Monster Hunter World you will be awarded the following items as your Login Bonus:

  • 2x Lucky Vouchers: You can use a lucky voucher when posting a quest to add bonus rewards upon its completion.
  • 1x Appreciation Ticket: Can be turned into the workshop for the seasonal event armor sets.
  • 3x Appreciation Fireworks: Festive item which can be used during hunts. Shoots off fireworks when placed.

These bonuses will be earned every time you login to a new day for the first time. You can carry a stack of them, so don’t worry if you don’t spend them all right away

Poogie and Handler Costumes

When you go to Astera for the first time after downloading the Appreciation Fest update, you may notice that both your Poogie and the Handler look a bit different. Your Poogie has on the outfit Sparkling Party, while the Handler is wearing the Friendly Felyne outfit. The Poogie’s outfit will unlock permanently, but the Handler outfit is only available for a limited time during the seasonal event, and will need to be purchased (with real money) if you want to use it after the festival is over.

Note: You need to head to the Gathering Hub to have the outfits appear. If you wish to change Poogie’s costume, simply interact with it and select the Change Clothes option. To change the Handler’s Outfit, talk with your Housekeeper and select the Change the Handler’s Outfit option.

New Event Armor Sets: Gala Suit & Star Set (Palico)

There are a couple of new event armor sets available for both your hunter and Palico. These armor sets are all themed around partying. Both the hunter and Palico sets come in Low and High Rank varieties. The new Appreciation Fest sets available are as follows:

Hunter: Gala Suit Set Requirements

Gala Suit Set Requirements Monster Hunter World
The Gala Suit Set makes you hunter look ready for the appreciation ball.
  • Top Hat: 1x Appreciation Ticket, 3x Monster Bone+.
  • Suit Jacket: 1x Appreciation Ticket, 2x Monster Bone+.
  • Suit Cuffs: 1x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Monster Bone+.
  • Suit Tail: 1x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Monster Bone+.
  • Suit Slacks: 1x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Monster Bone+.

Set Bonus: 5 Great Luck

Hunter: Gala Suit Alpha Set Requirements

Gala Suit Alpha Set Requirements Monster Hunter World
The Gala Alpha Suit on my Female Hunter.
  • Top Hat: 3x Appreciation Ticket, 3x Elder Dragon Bone, 2x High Commendation.
  • Suit Jacket: 3x Appreciation Ticket, 2x Elder Dragon Bone, 2x High Commendation.
  • Suit Cuffs: 3x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Elder Dragon Bone, 2x High Commendation.
  • Suit Tail:  3x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Elder Dragon Bone, 2x High Commendation.
  • Suit Slacks: 3x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Elder Dragon Bone, 2x High Commendation.

Set Bonus: 5 Great Luck

Palico: Star Set Requirements

Palico Star Set Requirements Monster Hunter World
The Star Set on my Palico.
  • Mic Stand: 1x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Lightcrystal.
  • Head: 1x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Lightcrystal.
  • Suit: 1x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Lightcrystal.

Palico: Star Set Alpha

Palico Star Set Alpha requirements Monster Hunter World
This is the Alpha Variant of the Star Palico Set.
  • Mic Stand: 3x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Novacrystal.
  • Head: 3x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Novacrystal.
  • Suit: 3x Appreciation Ticket, 1x Novacrystal.

Gala Suit Layered Armor Unlock

Gala Suit Layered Armor Unlock
You can unlock the Gala Suit Layered Armor set by completing a delivery for the Smithy.

If you like the Gala Suit, but want to rock some other set, there is a delivery you can complete for the Smithy called “Dressed to the Nines” which unlocks the Gala Suit Layered Armor. To complete this delivery, deliver the following items to the Smithy:

  • 5000 Research Points.
  • 10 Appreciation Tickets.

Past & New Events Are Available For A Limited Time

Screenshot of events from Monster Hunter World
Like previous events, the Appreciation Fest brings back a number of quests that had previously expired.

There have been a number of events which have occured since Monster Hunter World dropped back in January. Most of these events were on a short timer, meaning you probably missed a few. While the Appreciation Fest runs, you will be able to access all previous Events that have occured in Monster Hunter World. This means you will be able to get the Aloy gear, Street Fighter gear, or whatever else you may have missed. Thanks Capcom!

Some Quests to Complete:

Alongside replaying these old quests, there is a new, limited time quest you can complete during the Appreciation Fest this event is called The Greatest Jagras (Under Events 9*).

Vendor Sales During Appreciation Fest

During the Appreciation Fest, you will find the vendors will sell items at a discount. This means you can stock up on things like the Large Barrel Bombs for cheap. Items for sale are denoted by the medal to the right of them on the buy screen (pretty much all items are on sale). You will also notice that vendors like the Botanical Research Center and the Elder Melder are also offering items for lower prices.

New Guild Card Background and Pose

New Background and Pose in the Appreciation Fest MHW
There is a new background and pose to unlock during the Appreciation Fest.

The Appreciation Fest includes a new background and pose for players to equip on the Guild Card. These new additions are festive in nature and can be accessed via Info > Guild Card > Edit > Background or Edit Pose. The background is called Night Fever Stage and the new pose is called Time to Dance! Equip these new additions if you want to get into the holiday spirit!

The Gathering Hub is Decorated for the Appreciation Fest

The Gathering Hub during the Appreciation Fest
The Gathering Hub has been decorated for the occasion.

The last part of the Appreciation Fest I will highlight is the Gathering Hub has been decorated for the occasion. In the center of the Gathering Hub you will notice a couple of giant Palicos. Besides the giant Palicos you may also notice that all the NPCs and the area itself are way more festive than normal. Besides these added visual flairs, there is a new Appreciation Platter which you can purchase from the Canteen.

More: Monster Hunter World walkthroughs and guides.

What do you think of this guide to everything in the Appreciation Fest? Let me know in The Pit below.


A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

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