Elden Ring Volcano Manor Request Rileigh Guide

The second request from Volcano Manor tasks you with hunting down a Tarnished named Rileigh the Idle. This enemy is said to be found in the Atlus Plateau. To help you complete this request use our Elden Ring Volcano Manor Request Rileigh guide below.
Where to Find the Letter from Volcano Manor
After you’ve completed the hunt of Istvan from Letter from Volcano Manor (1) go back into the Drawing Room. In this room look on the table next to the night and you will find the next letter. This Letter from Volcano Manor (2) contains a new Tarnished target for you to hunt called Rileigh the Idle.
Where to Find Rileigh the Idle
Rileigh the Idle is located in the Atleus Plateua region of the world. In this region look near the Bridge of Iniquity Site of Grace in the western section. Here you will find the marker. Go to the map marker and use the summon stone to invade the target. Defeat Rileigh in a duel.
Rileigh drops Crepsus’s Vial and 20x Black-Key Bolts when defeated. Head back to Tanith and speak to here once you’ve finished the hunt to receive a reward of Serpentbone Blade. Go back to the Drawing Room to find the Red Letter, which is the final hunt request.
Thoughts on our Elden Ring Volcano Manor Request Rileigh guide? Drop them in the comments below.
I’d hardly call this a guide. It doesn’t even being to touch on how to actually beat him.