Dying Light 2 Infected Intelligence Guide

Featured image on Dying Light 2 Infected Intelligence guide.

Dying Light 2 Infected Intelligence is a side quest players can complete in the game for a character named Mr. Z. This side quest is a little different than other quests in the game as it involves correctly answering questions asked in a quiz. To complete this quest use HTR’s Dying Light 2 Infected Intelligence guide below.

Where to Start Infected Intelligence Side Quest

Image showing the location of the Dying Light 2 Infected Intelligence side quest.

The Infected Intelligence side quest can be started at the Artist Workshop directly southeast of the Water Tower in the Horseshoe Territory. Go to the location and speak to Mr. Z in his workshop to start the quiz side quest. To complete the quest you need to correctly answer the questions he asks.

Mr. Z Quest Answers for the Infected Intelligence Quiz

To complete this side quest for Mr. Z you need to correctly answer the four questions he asks you. These questions involve the different type of infected you encounter while you are exploring the city. The answers to each of the questions asked are as follows:

1Q – “Great, thank you. Certainly you’ve noticed what happens with infected after mutation: they become stronger, faster and more agile. Have you encountered the type that can jump higher than others?”

1A – Banshee.

2Q – “It prefers to avoid humans. I know how that sounds, but you must have seen something like that. Moreover, when retreating, it leaves tracks behind. do you know which infected I’m referring to?”

2A – Bolter.

3Q –  “It creates a toxic mist around other monsters and some survivors even believe it resurrects the dead. Which is nonsense, obviously. Does that ring any bells?”

3A – Revenant.

4Q – “And which type of infected would you say has the most *explosive* temper?”

4A – Suicider.

For each of the four questions asked above you have 30 seconds to respond. Pick the correct answers listed above to complete the side quest for Mr. Z. You receive the Gravedigger one-handed Axe and the Goon Playing Card for your efforts.

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2 responses

  1. amazing article nice collection

  2. slope io says:

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