Devil May Cry 5 Mission 03 Collectible Locations

Mission 03 Blue Orb Fragment reward from Secret Mission.
Complete the Secret Mission to get the fragment.

Mission 03 in Devil May Cry 5, titled The Flying Hunter, is packed with collectibles that help increase your health and Devil Trigger. In this guide, we’ll show you all the collectible locations in Mission 03, including Blue Orb Fragments.

Mission 03 Collectibles Overview

  • 3x Blue Orb Fragments.

Blue Orb Fragment 1: Near AC Unit

Location: Roof with AC units

  • After using Grim Grip for the second time, you’ll swing over to a rooftop with some satellites.
  • From here, jump to a higher section of the roof, then drop down to a lower portion.
  • Look for some air conditioning units—this is where you’ll find the first Blue Orb Fragment between them.

Blue Orb Fragment 2: Secret Mission

Mission 03 Secret Mission entrance.
Stand in the Alcove and line up the image.

Location: Alcove near Demon Tree Blood Clot

  • Continue through the mission, destroying Demon Tree Blood Clots as you go.
  • When you reach the third Demon Tree Blood Clot, destroy it to open an exit.
  • Instead of climbing the stairs, drop down to the bottom and head into an alcove.
  • In the alcove, you’ll find a glowing red spot. Stand on it and align your view to reveal a symbol on the stairs.
  • Completing this Secret Mission will reward you with a Blue Orb Fragment.

Blue Orb Fragment 3: Hidden Room in Stairwell

Location: Top of the staircase

  • After completing the Secret Mission, continue up the staircase instead of going down.
  • Proceed past the hole in the wall and stand on the broken staircase.
  • Turn around, jump up the wall, and use the ledge to climb to the next level.
  • At the top, use the mound to propel yourself up to the room above where you’ll find the final Blue Orb Fragment for this mission.

That’s all for the collectible locations in Devil May Cry 5 Mission 03: The Flying Hunter. Keep exploring to gather those Blue Orb Fragments and enhance your power. Ready for the next mission? Check out our Mission 04 collectible locations guide for more hidden treasures!

Thoughts on our Devil May Cry 5 Mission 03 collectibles location guide? Drop them in the comments below.



Enricofairme, founder of Hold to Reset, has spent over six years creating in-depth gaming guides, reviews, and news for a global audience. Passionate about gaming trends and player experiences, he covers everything from AAA titles to indie gems. Follow him on X for real-time gaming updates and insights.

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