Borderlands 3: Ashfall Peaks Crew Challenges Guide

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The zone you will venture into after The Blastplains is called Ashfall Peaks. In this zone you will need to make your way to the end of the level to fight a boss. While you are travelling through this zone there are a total of 9 Crew Challenges for players to find and collect. To help you find and collect these Crew Challenges use our Borderlands 3 Ashfall Peaks Crew Challenges guide below.

Important: You will need to advance the main storyline quest to get all of the Crew Challenges collectibles listed below.

Ashfall Peaks Crew Challenges Map Locations & Guide

Image showing a map of the Crew Challenges locations in Ashfall Peaks in Borderlands 3 DLC.

In the zone of Ashfall Peaks you will find a total of 9 Crew Challenges to collect. These collectibles can be found across the entire map. The Crew Challenges on this zone are as follows:

  • Creature Feature.
  • 3x Gehenna’s Most Wanted.
  • Good Prospects.
  • 2x Sato’s Saga.
  • Sato’s Cache.
  • Skin to Win.

To help you find all of the Crew Challenges listed above I’ve put together the map above. On this map you will find the locations of each Crew Challenge highlighted. If the map is not enough information you can use it in tandem with the text guide below.

Skin to Win #1 Location: Abbadoxis

The only Skin to Win in this zone can be found near the beginning of the level. To reach this Crew Challenge use the jump pad to jump on top the waterfall to the west of the zone. Here you will find the enemy named Abbadoxis.

Sato’s Saga #1 Location

To get the first Sato’s Saga you need to head forward until you use the jump pad to make your way past the broken bridge. When you reach the other side the Sato Saga can be found behind the break-able black/green crystals you can melee.

Good Prospects Location

When you reach the town where you meet Lito there is a river with a water wheel at the east end of it. Melee the black/green crystals to get the water wheel moving again. Aim into the building and shoot the electrical box when it is revealed during the water wheel rotations. Go into the building when the door opens to reach the Good Prospects treasure chest.

Gehanna’s Most Wanted #1 Location: Loni Dixon

The first Gehanna’s Most Wanted can be found to the north of the village we found the Good Prospects. In this area you will be attacked by a sniper named Lani Dixon.

Creature Feature Location

When you enter Pilfertown immediately head to the left and go down the hallway in the building there. At the end of the hallway take a left and go through the portal there when you have the ability to do so. On top of the roof you warp to you will find the film on a table.

Gehanna’s Most Wanted #2 Location: Garriden Loch

Head back down to the street and continue heading to the left to reach an area with the target Poke named Garriden Loch. Defeat Garriden Loch to get the Crew Challenge for this location.

Gehanna’s Most Wanted #3 Location: Haddon Mar

Continue forward until you reach The Devil’s Greatroom. In this room head to the north side to find a jump pad that will take you up to the Gehanna’s Most Wanted area that features the target Haddon Mar.

That’s all the Crew Challenges for the Ashfall Peaks zone in Borderlands 3 Bounty of Blood DLC. This is just one of the zones with Crew Challenges in the DLC. The next zone we will show you the Crew Challenge locations of is the Obsidian Forest. If you need more help with other Crew Challenges check out Borderlands 3 Crew Challenges hub.

Thoughts on our Borderlands 3 Ashfall Peaks Crew Challenges guide? Drop them in The Pit below.



A lifelong gamer who has devoted the last six years to the creation and development of "Hold To Reset," a website tailored by gamers for gamers. Yell your hot takes at him on X.

3 responses

  1. Thomss says:

    You’re missing sato’s cache #2 and the jumpad leading to Haddon Mar is on the East side, not the North

  2. Ian says:

    Missing satos saga 2

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