Blasphemous 2 Yerma Quest Guide

Image showing Yerma and the Penitent One at the end of Yerma's quest in Blasphemous 2.

In Blasphemous 2 there is an NPC character that players will encounter as they travel through Cvstodia. This NPC is Yerma. Yerma, like the Penitent One, is on her own journey. To complete this journey, Yerma requires help from the player. For help in completing here quest, see our Blasphemous 2 Yerma quest guide below.

Yerma Meeting 1: Profundo Lamento

Image showing the first meeting with Yerma in the Profundo Lamento area of Blasphemous 2.
You first meet Yerma in this room of Profundo Lamento.

The first time you meet Yerma is in the Profundo Lamento area. She is appears in the room with the tough swordsman enemy just before you drop down to the Ivy of Ascension ability room. During this first interaction you will get a vague introduction to her as a character. She will then say she has to go and will give you the Steely Battle Lance item which unlocks Weapon Memories.

Yerma Meeting 2: Sacred Entombments

Image showing the meeting with Yerma in the Sacred Entombments area of Blasphemous 2.
You will next meet Yerma in the Sacred Entombments area.

The second time you encounter Yerma is in the Sacred Etombments area. Make your way through this entire area until you reach the entrance to the Great Receptor Radames boss arena. Just outside the entrance Yerma is waiting for you. Speak to her there and select Yes to both of her questions. Yerma will then appear during the boss fight to offer you aid.

Yerma Meeting 3: Beneath Her Sacred Grounds

Image showing the meeting with Yerma in the Beneath Her Sacred Grounds area of Blasphemous 2.
You will next meet Yerma in the Beneath Her Sacred Grounds area.

Continue forward defeating other bosses until you need to go to the Beneath Her Sacred Grounds area. Make your way to the very bottom of this area where you find the Prie Dieu. Next to the Prie Dieu you will find Yerma. Speak to her and say yes to her request. Yerma will then help you during the Afilaor boss fight.

Note: If you wish to avoid backtracking head to the Elevated Temples now and grab the Holy Oil of Everlasting Anointment item. This item is requested by Yerma in the Twin Moons. If you get it now you don’t have to come back for it.

Yerma Meeting 4: Twin Moons

Image showing the meeting with Yerma in the Twin Moons area of Blasphemous 2.
The final location you meet Yerma is in the Twin Moons area.

The final place you will meet with Yerma is in the Twin Moons area. If you’ve been following her tale up to this point you will recognize this is the place she has been referencing. Before you can complete her quest meet her in the room shown on the map above. Here she will ask you to find Holy Oil she can anoint her spear with before fighting the boss.

Where to Find the Holy Oil of Everlasting Anointment in Blasphemous 2

Image showing the location of the Holy Oil of Everlasting Anointment in the Elevated Temples area of Blasphemous 2.
The Holy Oil is in the Elevated Temples area.

The Holy Oil Yerma speaks of is the Holy Oil of Everlasting Anointment item located in the Elevated Temples area. To get this item you need to enter the lower left room from the left side and then use Scion’s Protection to cross the gap to the right. On the far right side is the item. You can also hit the switch for the gate here to get back to the first Prie Dieu of the area.

Complete Yerma’s Quest and Receive Your Rewards

After you’ve acquired the oil head back to Yerma in the Twin Moons location. Give her the oil and agree to join her in her final confrontation. Complete the rest of the location so you reach the boss of this area, Svsona, Fermosa Fembra. During the fight against Svsona Yerma will appear and will help you. Defeat Svsona to complete Yerma’s quest.

If you help Yerma to the very end she gives you the Zejel of the Cruelst Thorn Prayer. You will then continue completing the main storyline of the game. Going this route causes the Chisel-Engraved Wounds Rosary Bead to appear in Casto’s shop.

What Happens if You Don’t Help Yerma in Blasphemous 2

While I walked you through the way you can complete Yerma’s quest above, there is another outcome to this quest. If you refuse to help Yerma when she asks for your assistance you will find her dead body in the Svsona, Fermosa Fembra boss room. Following the fight you can loot the Chisel-Engraved Wounds Rosary Bead from her. The Zejel of the Cruelst Thorn Prayer will then appear in Casto’s shop for purchase.

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