Blasphemous 2 Endings Guide

There are two Blasphemous 2 endings for players to unlock as they playthrough the game. These endings tell show different outcomes to the Penitent One’s story and should both be pursued by fans of the series. Like many things in this game, getting the different endings is a bit convoluted. To help you unlock both, see our Blasphemous 2 endings guide below.
Important: You can unlock both endings in Blasphemous 2 during a single playthrough. You do not need to play the game multiple times to make different decisions. Unlocking endings comes down to items you collect.
How to Unlock the B Ending in Blasphemous 2
Chapel Door Hint: “The Mother said: ‘Follow the heartbeats that herald the Birth.”
The B Ending is the game’s base ending players will unlock. This ending unlocks by simply following the main progress of the storyline, as laid out by Anunciada. The process for unlocking this ending is to complete the following steps:
1. Defeat the Three Regret Bosses
- Orospina, Lady Embroiderer.
- Great Preceptor Radamés.
- Lesmes, Incorrupt Sacristan.
2. Defeat the Five Dove Bosses
- Afilaor, Sentinel of the Emery.
- Benedicta of the Endless Orison.
- Odon of the Confraternity of Salt.
- Sinodo, Hymn of the Thousand Voices.
- Svsona, Fermosa Fembra.
After you’ve defeated the bosses listed above go to the Chapel of the Fives Doves. The door in the top left will open giving you access to the Crimson Rains area. This area is a platforming section with enemies.
Make your way to the top of the Crimson Rain location to reach a boss room. In this boss room you fight Eviterno, First of the Penitents. Defeat Eviterno to force a light to appear from his body. Stand in the light and you will be asked to ascend. Agree to ascend to the boss arena faceoff against Devotion Incarnate, The Last Child of the Miracle. Defeat Devotion Incarnate to trigger the B Ending and unlock the Second Psalm trophy/achievement.
How to Unlock the A Ending in Blasphemous 2
Chapel Door Hint: “The Father said: ‘Four Envoys wrapped my body in soft linen cloths.”
Unlocking the A Ending requires a much more obscure approach then you take in the B Ending. While you still need to complete the main storyline as you would in the B Ending, you also have to acquire ‘four envoy’ figures by completing various side activities in the world. The figures you need to collect are:
- Jaloque – Purchase from the Travelling Merchant in Crimson Rain for 6,000 Tears of Atonement.
- Gregal – Found at the top of the tower after you collect all 33 Cherubs.
- Cierzo – In a chest in the upper portion of The Severed Tower after using the third Forgotten Tribute.
- Lebeche – Reward from completing the House of Grief and Hatred combat challenge.
When you inspect these figures you will notice all four of them share interesting characteristics with each other. First, they all have gold cloth wrapped about them and second they are posing in very noteworthy ways. These two clues give you a general idea of what you need to do to use them.
Slot the Four Envoy Figures Correctly
To unlock the A Ending slot the four figures in your Altarpiece of Favours so they are all pointing into the middle. To do this start clockwise from the top left position and place Cierzo, Gregal, Jaloque, and then Lebeche. When you place a figure correctly they turn to gold (as shown in the picture above).
Get the Incense of the Envoys Item and Defeat the Final Boss
Once you’ve slotted the four figures properly make your way to the Chapel of the Five Doves. In this location go up to the top right door. You can now open it. Go into the room there and pick up the Incense of the Envoys quest item. Getting this item destroys the four figures you’ve equipped.
After you’ve collected the Incense of the Envoys make your way back up through the Crimson Rain area and interact with the ascension light in the boss room there. Choose to ascend then choose to use the Incense of the Envoys quest item when prompted. Complete the fight to see the A Ending and unlock the Canvas of Light and Time trophy/achievement.
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