Assassin’s Creed Valhalla The Mask of Diplomacy Guide

Taking the Aileach stronghold ends the mission called Courting the Kings. Once this mission ends you receive the next mission called The Mask of Diplomacy. This mission has Eivor attempting to expose a conspiracy by presenting evidence to the High King. To help you complete this mission use our Assassin’s Creed Valhalla The Mask of Diplomacy guide below.
Report to Flann
After you learn about the conspiracy against Flann you need to head back to Clogher. Make your way to this location and go to the tent you met him in during the previous mission. When you meet up with Flann you will trigger a cutscene. During this cutscene the camp will get attacked.
Survive Eogan’s Attack
Eogan is the one behind the campsites attack. This means you need to survive it as your next objective. To do this you need to clear the enemies in and around the campsite. Once these enemies are cleared a new group featuring some archers will appear to the north. Clear out these enemies then go help clear the enemies that appear to the south. Once all the enemies have been defeated a cutscene will play.
Find and Speak to Barid
The battle ends with you having successfully repelled the attack from Eogan. When you can control Eivor again you need to go and see Barid. Barid can be found lying wounded under the tree in the southeast corner of Clogher. Go to him to trigger another cutscene. During this cutscene Barid will die and Eivor will see him off to Valhalla.
After this cutscene you will see another cutscene at Barid’s grave. Both Flann and Ciara speak to Eivor during this sequence. When the cutscene comes to an end the mission is over. The next mission you need to complete is called The Wages of War.
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